ep 1. may the flame of the saphire star guide you

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A/n: like I said im sorry if it's horrible also would you guys like me to make this a complete series or just a simple instert.

Pov no one

Deep within the heart of the guild...many brave hunter and huntress were gathered in the grand hall, Waiting​ and listening to what was being told to them.

"Today is the day we set fourth to the new world.... remember there is no turning back once your final decision is made" an elders man said in his low husky voice.

"The trails ahead you will be fierce...you will be forever faced with vorasious beast and deadly grim along the way as well" While the speech was going on...a younge lass with silver eyes and and dark crimson hair stood calmly with a warm delicious cookie in her mouth.

This younge lass was none other than.
"Ruby rose" the old man said in his deep husky voice. In response ruby looked up a bit nervously as she was still eating her cookie "y-yess Sher?" She asked a nervously as she took a deep gulp finishing up the rest of her cookie "I'd like to have a word with you after this is over" the old man said as he looked her way. Poor girls heart dropped as she swallowed the rest of her cookie hard nervously​ listening on with the rest of the fith fleet.

(Time skip to the end if the speech)

"So tell me....what is it that inspired you to become a huntress?" The mech armed man asked. Hearing this tuby became more calm about the situation and responded with "well uuuh...I've always wanted to be able to... Ride an elder dragon!,and also try that yummy food at the canteen and oooo" she went on and on about what she wants to do as a hunter and at the same time because nothing more than a floating chbi as zwei saylt down in a near chair face palming. "So...you want to become a huntress for only...this things?" He asked as her adjusted his green hood a bit,the mans face wasn't​ very visible at all,all that was seen was his snowwhite hair.
"N-no not just that...but mainly so u can...beabke to bring freedom and saftley to everyone in remnant!" She said as zwei barks at her from afar to leave "hmm... interesting...tell you what...since I've seen your record of most of your hunts outside of the new world...your rank will now consider you as an A-list huntress!" The old man said as her eyes lit up with pride "a-are you serious?! But...all I ever hunted was a pack of beowolves and juvinile ludroths" she said as a small thought cloud showed a ton of ludraths swimming after her. "As true as that may be miss rose...on your record it said that those were all royal ludroths...and it took you and a comrad of yours only one day to defeat and carves all of them" upon hearing this she remembers the dramatic event of the hunt,her comrad covered in flames rapidly punching into the wyvern's jaw spilling it's Blood on her head with a bit if water as well. "Oh...yea...bu-" "no buts miss rose...if you're just as amazing as your record says then you deserve to hold the title a-lister" the old man said as he gave her a head Pat making her close one eye with a sheet of red on her face "o-ok...I promise I'll do my best to prove my worth with that title!" She said a bit shakingly as her doggo(yea sorry if it's a bit stupid but it's all I can think if for the dog counter part of a palico XD) barks once more waiting her to bored the ship with him "um sure you will...now then,you might want to hurry to the docks,the ship is leaving in twenty minutes" the snow headed make said as ruby began to run off with zwei.

And so it began,the path to the new world is dead ahead. The adorable red head is bound to be met with tons of challenges ahead of her...and is sure to become as amazing of a huntress as the  crimson maiden once was.

A/n: well that wraps it up for our first chapter. I know this might have been the worst thing you've ever read...but I hope things are bound to get better later on next chapter or so,also tell me what zwei should be called please XD Becayse I am horrible at making names up for things like that. What do you guys thing the dog counter part if a palico can be called exactly?

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