After a quick check up, the man looked at me and back at Hakuyuu, who hadn't moved an inch the whole time. Standing from his chair, the doctor walked to the door, grabbing his coat.

" The dizziness you were experiencing earlier must be due to the heavy storm that has been hitting us. You're probably seasick. As for the incident, You'll have some bruises, but other than that you will be fine. I'm very sorry for this, miss. Please accept my apologize in behalf of the captain and the rest of the crew" He apologized, looking at me.

"It's ok. This wasn't your fault" I replied, smiling weakly.

"Incident? She was attacked! He wanted to rape her! You should be more careful with the people you hire!" Hakuyuu snapped, glaring at the man.

"Hikaru" I interrupt Hakuyuu, glaring at him. Whether he liked it or not, that man was now our superior. The prince glared back at me, but his gaze quickly softened. It was a good thing that we were both used to our new names by now.

"It's ok. He's right. We should" The other man agreed, nodding and lifting his hands in front of him, as a sign of apology. "I'll leave now. Please, take the medicine I gave you and rest." He ordered with a friendly smile, before putting his raincoat back on. Once he opened the door, I noticed that it was still raining. The sound of the wind and the waves crashing against the ship was a lot louder now.

"Ok. Thank you" I replied, as Hakuyuu and I watched him leave, closing the door behind him.

"Thank you" I said again, but this time I was looking at my friend. He gazed back at me, and I saw the guilt that was filling his deep blue eyes.

"You don't need to thank me. I came to check on you and..." He winced, grasping his forehead "I should have been here sooner, Nerea"

"You couldn't have known this was going to happen" I simply replied, trying to look the best I could at the moment. I was still feeling dizzy and my arm and leg were starting to hurt. "I should have been able to stop him on my own" I whispered, looking down.

"Don't you say that. You did well. Who knows what could have happened if you didn't know how to fight" Hakuyuu voice trailed off, and I could imagine what was going though his head at that moment. "I should go get you some of Aiko's medicine from one of the boxes" He suggested, heading to the door.

"No! Are you crazy? What if someone sees you? We are taking those things illegally. I'll be fine. I can take the painkillers the doctor gave me" I pointed out, looking at the yellow pills over the nightstand.

"Fine. But you let me know if you need them, ok? I won't get caught". Hakuyuu asked, sighing quietly "I'm going to let you rest, ok?" He added reaching for the door again.

"Wait!"I yelled unintentionally, stopping him. "C-can you maybe... Stay with me tonight?" I stuttered, feeling my cheeks burning up. Hakuyuu frowned slightly, staring at me.

"Sure" He nodded, still looking a bit surprised by my request, even after thinking about it for a moment. Turning back on his heels, he walked back to where I was, as I move to a side of the small bed. Taking his shoes off, Hakuyuu lay next to me.

All the dizziness I was feeling was replaced with butterflies in my stomach and my heart began to pound loudly against my chest the moment he proceeded to put an arm around my shoulders. I scooped closer to him, resting my head on the prince's shoulder.

I couldn't help but to think that this was the closest we had been in all the years we had known each other.

"Nerea?" Hakuyuu called, and his deep voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I replied, my voice sounding a bit too nervous.

"I'm sorry I'm not good at this." He sighed, gazing away "If Hakuren were here, I'm sure he would know what to do to make you feel better after something like this. He would probably tell you one of his bad jokes to make you laugh and..."

"Don't. Please. I miss him. Of course I do, but you're also amazing and I'm so thankful for having you here with me" I interrupted him, holding back the tears at the mention of my friend's name.

Hakuyuu sighed again, but he didn't say anything.

Silence filled the room and all that could be heard was the sound of the rain and the heavy wind outside.

"Hakuyuu?" I whispered, breaking the silence while staring at the dark wooden ceiling.

"Yes?" He asked, shifting slightly to gaze at me.

"Have you thought about what are we going to do when we get to Reim?" I questioned, and my gray eyes met his.

"Not yet. But I'm working on it" He assured me, smiling softly.

The Kou prince removed his arm from my shoulders and I found myself missing his closeness. The realization of it made me blush again in an instant. He didn't notice it though, as he had moved away just to blow off the flame of the lamp next to us.

The room was now completely dark, and I felt how Hakuyuu reached for the blanket at the end of my bed, pulling it cover both of us.

The butterflies in my stomach went crazy the moment the young man next to me moved just to hug me again.

"Go to sleep, Nerea, you need to rest"
He whispered, pulling me against his chest in a caring and protective way.


A/N: Here it is! A new chapter! I promised It wouldn't take too long for to update this time. I hope you're enjoying this story. Votes/comments/shears are always more than welcome.

And here is something great that I wanted to share with you guys! The amazing art here belongs to my friend NaerysSnow17 she drew Nerea for me! Please take a look at her profile, she has some amazing drawings and great fanfics!

And here is something great that I wanted to share with you guys! The amazing art here belongs to my friend NaerysSnow17  she drew Nerea for me! Please take a look at her profile, she has some amazing drawings and great fanfics!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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The Fallen Emperor / Hakuyuu x OC [Magi / AU]Where stories live. Discover now