"Oh." I knew I looked crestfallen. I loved Nick enough to want the world for him.

"But, I'm getting old now and I've saved up a lot of money to know I'd be happy with giving you my position at the parlour."

"What?" I looked at my father with shock. Was he going to give me the parlour?

"I earn a lot more than you do at the moment, I'm the owner of the parlour." He stated, matter of fact. "But, if you were to become owner of the parlour, you could save up for him, let him get his university degree, let him find his feet with a new job. He wouldn't have to worry and you get to do what you've always loved for extra."

"Dad..." I couldn't speak as my voice came out as a whisper. "I couldn't let you leave your job."

"I've been thinking about it for ages. I was thinking about taking your mother somewhere hot, to take her mind off everything here for a few months." He shrugged as if it were no big deal. He loved her and he'd do anything for her.

"God." I breathed. That tattoo parlour would be mine.

"I'm not the richest man in the world but it has given me everything and more. That parlour is my baby, my second baby." He clarified with a cheeky smirk. "I wouldn't think about giving it to anyone else, Birdie."

"I am so grateful." I said, honestly. For him to do that was huge for me, huge for Nick and I as a team.

"I know you are, you're my daughter. We work for what we have and we're grateful for what we get." He nodded firmly. "And you and Nick are going to get married soon, you work as a team like that, help eachother out when you need it and you'll realise you won't need much else."

I thought back to a few days ago where I took off my ring in rage at the man I loved. I didn't ever want to do that again, I didn't ever want to run away from him whenever something went wrong.

That's what we did, we loved then we hated, but our pasts defined us and we love the way we love. Every relationship is different and we all cope differently.

I run, like a coward, but I wasn't going to do that anymore.

Whatever life threw at us, Nick and I were going to take it and become stronger for it.

Like my dad said, we were a team.

"I love you so much." I couldn't help but say. My father looked to me, unleashed tears in his eyes, and he took a hold of my hand.

"You won't ever find a love as strong as the one you have with your children, that's for damn sure." He shook his head. "I promised to give you the world and more. I let you down and now I'm making it up to you."

My heart broke.

"You don't have to do this, any of this to make it up to me. You weren't at fault, you were never to blame. You're the only thing that got me through it. I thought about leaving and coming to see you so many times, knowing one day I would have the chance got me through everything happening over there. You've given me the world and now more."

After all, he led me to Nick.

"This helps me to move on." He looked touched. I was hoping one day the guilt would be free from his face. "And I believe in you."


I got home after our heart to heart. My father dropped me home as he wanted to pick me up this morning on my first day back, to see if I was okay.

I took a lift up the elevator and reached Nick's apartment door. I could hear gentle music as I stood outside the door and I smiled.

He was home and my heart was beating in excitement to see him. Was he painting? Having a shower?

Colour Me Red [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now