-Chapter 41: Non-stop-

Start from the beginning

"I don't need to explain my reasons." Alexander hissed back. "Finders, keepers." Jefferson said sticking out his tongue. "I know you're just using her!" Alexander yelled back. "Am not." Jefferson said as he folded his arms. "YES YOU ARE!" Hamilton yelled back. "I LOVE HER! YOU'RE USING HER!" Hamilton yelled in tears. Then they both went silent. 

Alexander covered his mouth to keep any up coming sobs from coming out and rubbed his tears out his eyes. He turned away from Jefferson and shakily began to breath.

"I'm giving you an option here Hamilton." Jefferson finally said.

"1. Break things up with Eliza and then try to get her attention. She'll most likely decline. Hard. Your kids will hate you. Eliza will hate you. She'll hate you. You'll be unloved. Or 2. Stay away from her and avoid the pain. Both you and her." Jefferson reasoned as Hamilton looked at his options.

"..." He didn't say a word. He seemed to have any way out of what he had gotten himself into. He should've thought about this 5 years ago. But he didn't. And now he's gotta deal with the consequences. Wishing he could turn back time, he answered. 

"I'll stay away." He answered. Before Jefferson could add anything to that, he added. "-But break her heart and I will kill you." He said eyes glowing red like blood. Jefferson decided not to answer and moved out of his office like Hamilton requested earlier.

Back at Y/N's house...

Y/N was in her study, doing anything but living. Mentally she was drained, her hand was cramped, full of ink stains and was about to fall off. But if there was one thing that she had learned from her time here, it would be:

"If you give up, you're weak." 

When you give up at the battlefield. You dead.

When you give up to escape Britain. You toast.

When you give up someone you loved. You mentally scarred and heartbroken.

When you give up your work. You dead. Because food cost money, amazing right?

"Y/N." Hercules said as he tapped her hand which made her flinch. She hadn't slept for days which made her so jumpy. "Y/N L/N." Hercules repeated when she didn't answer. "I have to work. I need to work." She mumbled as her quill began to shake of the sudden extra energy. 

"You survived drowning-" 

"I died." She corrected.

"-You survived Britain-"

"My mental mindset didn't." She corrected.

"-You survived war-"

"My innocence and you didn't." She corrected yet again.

"Y/N, you are lucky to be alive right now! Isn't that enough?! You work every day 24/7. YOU COUNT GOING TO THE BATHROOM AS 'taking a break' You need to be satisfied with what you're doing!" Hercules yelled. As an old memory came back from the back of her mind and spoke out to her.

"It needs to be perfect." Y/N said as she wrote a few pages. "Y/N the essay is good enough." Robin said as she put her hair behind her ear. "NO! The last time I got an F!" Y/N said paranoid. "That's because our teacher sucks Y/N, look I know you always were the smartest and all but there are bound to be people to...Cross you." Robin tried to explain. "You always score better than me." Robin said trying to make it better.

"BUT YOU SCORE LOWER THAN F'S. YOU ARE STUPID!" Y/N yelled out as she slowly got to terms to what she just said. "..." Robin looked hurt. "Robin, I-I didn't-

"Y/N, you will never be satisfied." Robin said with a frown and left. Since then, Y/N stopped trying to be the best. Failing at everything. Refusing to take help from anyone.


"What?" Hercules asked as he didn't understand what she just said.

"I will never be satisfied." She said and looked at Hercules. She had this look in her eye. It not only made Hercules worried, but also scared. "Y/N?" He asked to get any trace of her. 

"There are too many people in my way keeping me from being satisfied." She said and stood up. "Y/N, get a grip of yourself." Hercules said as he frowned at Y/N. "I saw this spell, it gets rid off...Ghosts." She said with a sickening smile.

That's when it hit Hercules like an arrow hitting a target. 

"Y/N WAI-"

"Herculis occidere morietur." 

(This chapter really represents how I feel on the inside right now. Why? DM me and we'll talk.)

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