A few things I wanted to tell you

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Hey guys! 

It's actually almost been a year since I last posted before these two chapters and I just wanted to tell you guys a few things about what has happened. 

So here are just a few facts about the Black Arrow Series and me, I guess.

1. I went back to read through book 1 and 2 and dear jesus I wanted to cringe so bad at my imagination and writing skills. 

2. I started writing at the age of 13/14, so no wonder it was cringe worthy. 

3. I wanted to thank those who have been with me since the beginning, really means a lot. So thank you. <3

4. I'm actually close to graduating so that's why I've been so damn busy and Wattpad hasn't even been on my mind for a very long time.

5. I had writers block for a very long time and a few rough patches where I didn't feel like writing anything because I would just end up hating it and deleting it. 

6. I might actually be moving soon, so that's also a reason I've been very inactive. 

7. I have a few chapters in draft and I need to fix a few stuff there before I post them.

8. I can't find all the episodes of Lab Rats so I can't always write about them or follow them.

9. I'm still studying spanish BUT it is so much better than what it used to be. I used to use Google Translate for my spanish sentences and dear god...

10. I used to be desperate and lonely as a kid so that's why I wrote Chase and Luna like they are in book 1 and 2. But as I've grown I've found new confidence in me and know that I truly don't need anyone to tell me my worth because I know my worth. 

11. For those wondering, no I am not American. That's why my writing, especially in book 1, is so bad. I'm still cringing so bad. (English isn't my first language)

A few things I wanted to set straight:

1. Luna isn't made out of Oliver Queen's character Arrow. I had a dream when I was young about "being a vigilante" and at the time I was also obsessed with Lab Rats, so that's how it happened. 

2. I've grown a lot lately and that's why I also want Luna to grow with me. The story will still follow like it used to, but I don't want Luna to be as childish anymore. 

3. I write own chapters and scenes here and there because I don't want to get involved in any copyright things or something like that. 

4. "Sam" was a character my brother made up and I liked the idea. That's why there's a "White Hunter" here and there. "Sam" is also supposed to be like 4 years older than Luna.

(I hate the new snapchat update by the way)


6. I have had other stories also on going and everything has just been on hold, so I will start updating them soon too.

7. There's actually one book that I've been really putting effort in and it's not a fanfic. I'm hoping to get it done soon and then join in on a contest or something.

8. I still can't update very often because I have final exams coming up soon and I have to study, but I will try my best!!

9. I don't have the best relationship with my father and that's also why Luna isn't on the best terms with hers either. 

10. Luna's birthday isn't in October and I don't know why I wrote it like that. I was just in a Neon party mood and also it was Halloween at the time (one of my favorite holidays) so I guess it just happened.

11. Many have tried to correct my writing when they read the chapters and I just want to tell you... I KNOW. I usually immediately post when I've written the chapter and I don't realize my mistake until after I've posted.

12. Rouge was temporarily a split personality for Luna when she got really mad. It was Luna's way of dealing with the situation. It was later after she got bionics when it was discovered as a commando app instead. THIS WAS NOT MEANT TO MAKE FUN OF SPLIT PERSONALITIES OR BE ROMANTIC IN ANY WAY. I was very young when I wrote this and didn't understand it completely either. 

13. Since Luna was so young in the beginning of this story explains also why she is so naive. Her trust was easily put in everyone and let me tell you, SHE WAS HELLA COCKY. One of the reasons I cringe and want to gouge my eyes out when I read my earlier stuff. 

14. At some point in book 2 I wanted to make you guys happy so I posted crappy chapters or didn't follow the episode at all and that was because it was so rushed. I felt pressured to make you guys happy and that's why my main priority was to post fast and not to post good chapters. I'm very sorry for disappointing some readers because of the bad storyline or quality.

15. Some things you guys notice that don't exist in America or think that are weird just remember, I'm not American, I don't know if they exist or not. AND it's also another universe Lab Rats so we can always pretend. 

16. "Ana" shouldn't be written in as a real family member so THERE IS NO INCEST OR ANY OF THOSE SORT OF THINGS IN THIS STORY. 

17. Luna is old enough to drive, don't worry. 

18. I wanted people to relate more to Luna, unlike other stories, so that's why she sometimes acts different or so on. And some behavior she has are things I've done because I didn't want it to be fake. 

19. Now when I've gone back and read what I've written I've realized that Chase and Luna's relationship actually seems a lot more toxic than I wanted. So I wanted to tell you that THIS IS NOT SUPPOSE TO BE A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP. They are very young and they were very young when they got together. But just like me, I want them to grow and work together.


+ Yes I've realized Luna has completely forgotten about her bestfriends and I feel terrible for noticing it now when I'm older. So I kind of want to make it more equal and make sure that when I write, everything is not Chase, Chase and more Chase. I want it to be friends, family, etc.

So that's it for now. I might do this sometime again but for now enjoy the story and I'll try to post more often!


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