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Namjoon woke up early as his mom ordered. It was a pain in the ass to wake up and realized that he was forced to marry with some random people that his mom claimed to be "gorgeous". But he thought maybe they can just register in the marriage certificate and go on each other's way. His partner probably didnt feel obliged to marry namjoon too anyway.

Around 8am Namjoon parked his sport car in his main family house's garage and entered the house just to see some adults, probably his in laws and a young man sitting in the dining room all while the two pairs of parents were sweet talking about nonsense but he ended up approaching the table anyway.

"Ah, namjoon! You're a little late. I told you to come early!" His mom pulled him down to sit on one of the chairs.

"Mom, i am early" he gave his mom a sarcastic grin while mentally rolling his eyes as he took a glimpse of what his spouse-to-be would look like.

Mom was right. He is very handsome..but too bad. I dont even know him enough to like him.

He was still peering at Seokjin who was grinning at the elders and keeping his head low the whole time.

"All right everyone, eat up!" Namjoon's dad announced when the food was at their table.

After the breakfast and registering their marriage at the local register office, Namjoon immediately drove back to his house without anyone's notice.

Seokjin on the other hand, went back to his parents house and was kind of lost.

I registered our marriage, now what. I moved in? He thought in his head as he packed all of the essentials in different luggages and suitcases from his room. He mesmerized every nooks and crany of this room, the room he slept since he was little. It was a little bit emotional to move out now but..he had obligations to fulfill. Sigh..? Going to Kim Namjoon's house would need a little bit of getting used to. But seokjin had plenty of time since after the actors that he personally coached got casted after the workshop, he would be free for three months, or so that was what his boss told him.

"Seokjin ah?" His mom called out from downstairs "Mrs. Kim's car is here to pick you up"

"Im almost done" he cupped his mouth and half shouted back as he proceed to carry some stuffs downstairs.

As he put down the luggages in the trunk of the car, his mom suddenly went and hug him, tears formed in her eyes, urging to fall down. "Oh Seokjin. Mom's gonna miss you so bad.." she snorted "take care of yourself okay?"

"Yes, mom. But i really dont wanna go away" he tightened his grip on his mom's frail figure

"It's okay. Mom will visit you often" she said then peeled herself off of her son

Later, Mrs. Kim just told Seokjin to rest in the mini van and let her bodyguards to take care all of those stuff.

"Seokjin ah, i know this is very sudden of you to marry someone especially my son. You know i love you like my own son since he had always been studying in America. I hope you dont hate me for this." Mrs. Kim said in a soft and gentle tone. "You can try out with him first. Like i said, his personality and attitude is just not at its best. If he harms you emotionally just tell me" she added.

Seokjin just nodded sweetly but on the inside he was really curious why did taming her son's attitude requires him to marry someone.

Namjoon's house was quite far from his and took around 45 minutes of car ride including the congested street of Seoul.

Namjoon's house was huge. Definitely too big for one person to live. The gate was automatic. Not that Seokjin hadnt seen one before, his family was also well off but the design was really unique and the house in general definitely tilted toward the modern youthful side.

Seokjin got off the van accompanied Namjoon's mom as the driver loaded all seokjin's belonging from the trunk.

"Yongguk ssi, please help carry these to Namjoon's room" she ordered. Her driver, yongguk, obeyed.

"W-what? To Namjoon ssi's room" Seokjin widened his eyes as soon as he heard Mrs.Kim.

"Yes, son" she chuckled "he's your spouse after all. Of course you both would be sleeping in the same room" she covered her mouth and giggled.

"Oh.." seokjin gulped. He would be lying if he said he wasnt nervous. He will be sleeping on the same bed as Kim Namjoon...a person he just knew this morning. What.

Both seokjin and Mrs.Kim went up to Namjoon's room. Seokjin was still very timid and anxious about all of these. All he did was keeping his head low. After seeing Namjoon at the breakfast he already realized that Namjoon also wasnt happy about the marriage news plus, like Mrs.Kim said, Namjoon's attitude didnt seem to be the best. In other word, he's scared of Kim Namjoon.

Mrs.Kim constantly knock on Namjoon's room with all seokjin's belongings lying messily in front of the room.

Namjoon swung the door open after a few more knocks. "Mom?..and..?" He peered at seokjin

"It's Kim Seokjin. At least remember your spouse's name you brat!" His mom hit Namjoon softly with her scarf

Namjoon paused "...right....Seokjin..what are you both doing here"

Mrs. Kim gasped "Seokjin has to move here, of course!"

"WHAT?" Namjoon exclaimed "this dude? Mom! You didnt tell me about that??"

"Haiz, dont be stupid. Spouses lives together. Even a kid knows that!" His mom rolled her eyes while Seokjin was still awkwardly standing there doing nothing. "And!" Mrs.Kim clapped her hand as in ordering her driver to move the luggage to the room "I expect the two of you to get a long well" she then turned to seokjin and tapped him on the shoulder "you should start calling me Mom instead of Mrs. Kim" she grins

"Yes...m-mom.." seokjin respond in a barely audible tone but Mrs.Kim was happy to be called Mom by seokjin anyway

"Well sons, i'm leaving now. My job here is done" she smiled warmly toward seokjin then gave namjoon a death glare before she left with her driver.

It was just the two of them now. Awkward is still an understatement to describe the situation right now. Seokjin didnt know what to do when being left with the man.

"Why the hell are you still in front of my room" namjoon aggressively questioned almost making Seokjin shivered. He went inside his room and grabbed Seokjin's luggage and thtow them out of his room "i never agree on marrying you. It was mom's sudden decision. Dont get too close with me" he clicked his tongue and slam his door shut on Seokjin, the poor boy was left a lone. He wanted to cry because of the harsh treatment. Throwing his stuff out? That's just worse than he thought namjoon would be but he bit his lips anyway.

He didnt know where to sleep now. He just need a room. Whatever's fine. Fortunately there's a housekeeper casually past by while vacuuming the house.

"Um..excuse me miss" seokjin softly tapped the housekeeper "is there..any empty room in this house?" He asked

The housekeeper wasnr informed that someone will sleep in the guestroom thus it hadnt been cleaned. Mrs.Kim only told her that Namjoon's spouse will be moving in

"Yes, sir..but the guestroom hadnt been cleaned in quite sometimes..but i will clean it now" she replied

'Please show me the guest room first,..it's okay i'll clean it myself" he reassured the housekeeper lady with a hazel grins

"Sure..if you dont mind, sir" she bowed and showing Seokjin the way.

The guest room was also one big room with a queen sized bed and everything was luxurious..more than Seokjin expected. "Thank you ajumma.. and please just call me Seokjin" he scratched the back of his head "being called sir..i'm not used to that"

The ajumma smiled "well then Seokjin ssi, enjoy your stay" she bowed one last time then left.

I guess...i have to suffer with this, huh..seokjin thought, implying about Namjoon's behavior toward him.


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