Fate or Déjà vu?

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HE KNELT down, closed his eyes and asked for God's miracle. He found himself inside the chapel of the hospital, he went in to pray. As he uttered his prayers, his eyes began to water again and everything that happened three days ago rolled like a film in his thought. He felt so heartbroken. He cherished Seiren so much—and all he just wanted was to have a proper break up. But why did this thing happen? Was this his "karma" of being a selfish jerk?

Quen and Sieren were classmates and friends before they became an item, five years ago. They got along so well; they both loved sweets, movies and extreme sports like sky diving, mountain climbing and a lot more. But one thing Seiren didn't know about him—that he was actually afraid of heights. He just pretended to be tough because he loved Seiren so much that he wanted to be with her every minute.

Seiren was a twenty five year old pet shop owner, a freelance romance novelist, a certified weirdo—and of course a hopeless romantic. She dreamt of possesing a cute love story just like the plots in her novels. She liked sweet nothings, letters on their monthsaries and anniversaries, serenades and dance flash mobs. Quen, on the other hand, finished college with flying colors and became a researcher and a paleontologist for five years now—that he dreamed of since childhood—he was also a food addict but he didn't possess any talents—in the end, he ended to become a laughing stock.

Nevertheless, he really enjoyed every second of his life with her. His "cutie-patootie". They had arguments and misunderstandings but after a few days they were okay again. He could still remember the moment they first met during senior high school; she was a bookworm ever since, a computer geek and a nerd that truly caught his attention. He wasn't being too proud, but he was a heartthrob then and girls chased him everywhere—except for Seiren, who was a snobby.

He befriended her and to his surprise—she was cool and fun to be with. She was very smart and an adventurous girl. Out of his league, he had fallen in love with her but what made him more amazed was with Sieren's revelation—that she had a crush on him from the very first day she laid her eyes on him—but because he was famous and handsome, she restrained herself and avoided him.

And he couldn't help it but blame himself for what happened to her. He was really a big jerk. He could feel his heart breaking apart. How could he hurt someone as precious as Seiren?

One day, he got a big offer from his Superior to go to Africa and conduct a research about fossils and artifacts that would take years. He broke the news to Seiren but unfortunately she wasn't happy and she disagreed about it and she got more worried especially when she found out that they wouldn't have a communication by any means.

He told himself that this opportunity only happens once a lifetime and it was not offered to anyone other to him because as per his superior's recommendation, he was the right person for it. He did not want to let it go. He thought that if Seiren really loved him, she would understand where he was coming from. That was why he invited her for a dinner, three days ago and they talked. He knew she would get hurt when he said he had decided to pursue his dream and he wanted to cool their relationship off.

She cried and begged but his decision was final. They went separate ways, temporarily. He loved her but he also wanted to prove something to himself.

He offered to walk her home but she refused and he understood.

He dreamed about her that night. In his dream, Seiren was so sorry for being selfish and that she was spontaneously telling him that just loved him so much that she couldn't blame herself from fussing. Until he heard consecutive rings on his cell phone that woke him up at eleven in the evening. His world fell apart from Seiren's sister's devastating news—Seiren got run over a car and was brought to Sacred Hospital.

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