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"Holy shit Ash. I'm..." Harry trails off before stiffening and scrunching his eyes slightly as he finishes.

I smile and trail my nails along his torso. I revel in the feeling of him coming undone as I just came off my high a few seconds earlier. Unfortunately my hormones couldn't wait for Harry's release.

"You're amazing." Harry breathes as he looks down at me, his eyes slightly puffy from the rush.

 He almost looks as if he just woke up. I giggle which makes Harry smile. He slowly pulls out of me and collapses onto the bed right next to me. I turn my head and give him a warm smile. He brushes a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. A few seconds pass of us just staring into each other's eyes.

"So what are we doing this weekend?" I mumble, breaking the comfortable silence. Harry chuckles at my sudden question.

"Well, I rented us a cabin near a lake. Unfortunately it's Lee's uncle's cabins so Lee will be there with Stacy and its possible the others will be there as well. They jumped at the thought of going away for a weekend." Harry grunts. I chuckle at his grumpiness.

"It's not that bad." I whisper and place my palm on his cheek. Harry furrows his brows and frowns.

"I wanted to spend the weekend with you. Just you." Harry mumbles. I bite my lip and shift so that I can lean on my elbow and slightly hover over Harry.

"Well, you'll still be spending the weekend with me. Besides we're not staying in the same cabin are we?" I shrug and lock eyes with Harry.


"Nothing to get grumpy about then. We'll still be on our own." I smile and poke Harry's nose which turns his frown into a smile.

"Where have you been all my life?" He grins.

"You're so cheesy." I giggle and get up from the bed, Harry chuckles and plops himself up onto his elbows.

"I'm going to go wash myself." I gesture to my lower region. Harry nods and gets up as well.

I slowly walk over to one of the bathrooms, not minding that I'm butt naked I quickly step into the shower I've come to love and start lathering some soap onto my body. I notice Harry walking towards the shower before he  slips in and places his hands on my body.

"Getting quite comfortable now, are we?" I giggle and splash some of the water in his face.

"I can't just muck around when I know you're in the shower touching yourself." Harry bites his plump lip.

"Harry." I gasp and playfully slap his chest at his dirty remark.

"It's true." He shrugs and takes the soap from my hand to lather his own.

I giggle and watch him carefully. This would be my first time showering with a man, let alone another human being. Once Harry's hands are soapy enough for him he sets down the soap and places his hands on my hips. I tear my gaze from his hands to look at his eyes. His gaze flicks between my eyes as if asking permission to touch me. I smile at him before returning my gaze to his hands. I watch as they slowly travel up my body and finally rest on the sides of my breasts. His thumbs slowly, teasingly, glide across my nipples making me writhe with pleasure. What is this man doing to me?


"Yeah, we're on our way." Harry groans into the phone. I stare out the window and feel my stomach slightly rumble.

"Nothing's wrong Lee, we just got a bit preoccupied." Harry mumbles and gives me a sideward glance which makes me blush.

I smile to myself as I think of this morning. It’s crazy how fast things are moving with Harry and I but I honestly think I'm in love with him. My eyes widen slightly as the realization of my thoughts start to sink in. Do I love Harry? I know for a fact that I like him, but do I feel more than that with him. I peek at him as he rambles on about something over the phone. I feel my chest contract slightly at the thought of losing him which affirms my feelings toward him. I definitely don't just like this green eyed man sitting next to me. Suddenly panic sets in my bones- Harry can't know. What if he doesn't feel the same? I would be completely crushed if I were to tell him I love him and he doesn’t reciprocate.

Lies & Deceit (H.S)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant