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Yoandri: wow cami she really would do anything she ate dirt

Cami:told you

Ivan: that's sad

                     Cami's Mind
You know what I just gonna kiss Grayson who cares I'm drunk I can say that I'm drunk.

Cami: gray muah 💋

Gray: woah why'd you do that

Cami: oh bc your cute oppps

Gray: your drunk I'm drunk

Gray: muah 💋

Cami: wow your really drunk

Gray: hella ya!!!

Cami: There you go!!!

             Caro's POV

Caro:loosen up Joel

Caro: here drink this

Joel: what is it

Caro: just drink it

Joel: I swear Caro if I get sick

Caro: you won't

Joel: fine

Joel: wow that strong



Everyone was having a good time until we heard gun shots

AHHH I heard come on Joel I say while grabbing his hand
I see cami and gray and Ethan and yoandri so we run into a room we go in there and lock the door we heard ponding on the door let us in someone yelled outside of the door.

Let them in its ivan and Emilio fast said cami I ran and opened it let them in and shut it and locked it up. I looked at Emilio's arm he got shot there where still people screaming and still gunshots going on.

Yoandri: Ethan gray one of you has to take off you shirt to rap it around Emilio's arm

Gray: I'll do it

Gray: here you go

We tied it tight around Emilio's arm

Cami: we need to go into the attic

So we all went a went in the attic it was like a room but it was sound proof but we could hear everything. Me and Cami started crying it was sad hearing every screaming.

Livin la vida loca💙🤟حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن