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Cami: what should we get to eat?

Caro: let's just order pizza and tacos!!

Ivan: you and your stupid tacos caro.

Caro: don't call tacos stupid their the best thing ever!

Emilio: cami come here I have to tell you something

Cami: What's up?

Emilio: I like Caro. But like a lot tho

Cami: oo that sucks she like someone else tho but I aways knew it.

Emilio: I didn't even tell you.

Cami: I got my ways.

Cami: Emilio there's a really hot guy right there help me get his number.

Emilio: oh you mean Grayson. Sure but you have to buy me candy.

Cami: fine.🙄

            (Emilio goes up to Grayson)
Emilio: hey Dolan

Gray: what's up dude

Emilio: do you find that girl cute.

Gray: she's alright;)

Emilio: she wants your number

Gray: give it to her

Emilio: if you say so

Gray: bye dude

Emilio: bye

Cami: whats his number

Emilio: ***-***-****

Cami: thank you so much hoe

Emilio: your welcome stupid

Cami: you know you love me

Emilio: don't get your hopes up

Caro: come on let's go pay

Emilio: wait my candy

Cami: hurry you got 5 seconds

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