Miss attitude meets mister Playboy

Start from the beginning

We were having fun while drinking listening to the music u know Lucky he was just starting to dance on the stage. Of course all were praising him n clapping at his performance.

He was slightly drunken a bit tipsy he was flirting openly.... but he wasn't alone...

There she come like a thunderstorm

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There she come like a thunderstorm

As u know how Lucky is never let a chance go to impress a woman especially someone new in town

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As u know how Lucky is never let a chance go to impress a woman especially someone new in town.

He went to her trying to balance himself but failed he fall on her n her drink fall from her hand over her dress...

U will love this.... Swara; I can imagine it what might had happen!

Haan so he falls on her n her dress was ruined. Lucky to Lucky hai. Laksh; oh baby doll I look hot from back y don't u show me ur beautiful face?

Swara; what she did?

She turns... uff Swara in that moment every man could lose himself in her...

 uff Swara in that moment every man could lose himself in her

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Swara; what!. I mean every men besides me I have u na! Swara; hmm better u remember that! He nods in scare. Swara; what happened next.

Laksh was like wow! Beauty u look more than hot! U r out of the world. Let me buy u n ur friends new drinks...

The girl; okay! If u want. Laksh; haan I want. Yo waiter drinks for the lady's here on my card.

The girls were drinking n Laksh was standing aside like a statue

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The girls were drinking n Laksh was standing aside like a statue...

He got annoyed by her ignorance as he was thinking she might ask him to accompany them but no she didn't. In fact she stood up n walks to a guy... who was flirting with her. Laksh thought she would come to him... he fumes in anger.

Laksh; oh mister... the guy looked at him. Laksh; ya u... she my... get lost... in his drunken  tone. The girl; oh mister. She snaps with her fingers. I'm not urs! Get it in ur brain. Laksh; hold her hand. Don't u dare to do this ever again! U don't know who I am! The girl; oh I don't care who u are! Laksh; oh I bought u drinks. The girl; so what u own me now. Oh Listen U R Not My Type. Laksh; oh miss... The girl; Ragini Khanna! Laksh; smirks! Who? I don't know someone like Ragini Khanna... this here is my area Laksh Kapoor rules over here.

Ragini; then do na! Take any of the other girls here who might be ready to go with u. I already have my date. She demonstratively places her elbow on the guys shoulder.

Laksh; U bitch! Ragini; u asshole! (I won't change it here as both r accusing each other).

Laksh; u have done wrong calling me asshole!

Ragini; ok bastard!

Laksh; ey!!!

Ragini; what can't u tolerate it! Then don't speak! If can't handle it!

Laksh anger raised. U bloody bitch.

I run to him n stopped him, but she was equal.

Ragini; haha u think u r a player that every n each girl will come in fall for u beg on u to sleep with her satisfy her??? Oh Mister Playboy don't think much or else ur head will ache....

Hahahaha a huge crowd was laughing on him. He was dashed by a girl who rejected him.

Ragini turns to the other guy n kissed him on his lips...

Bas that's was I had to carry Laksh out of the club. Or else she or he would be death...

FB ends....

Swara was laughing she dissed him hahaha OMG please I wanna meet her! Wow awesome!.

Sans; please Swara don't rub it on his face please.

Laksh comes out n Swara suppresses her laugh but soon Laksh face changed.

U told her?

Sans nods.

Swara burst out in a big laughter 😂😂😂. She was clapping like mad... tztztz so Lucky u weren't very lucky last night.. nonono poor Lucky😢.

Swara left. Laksh gave Sand death glare. Sans; she is my gf. Laksh; I Hate Her! Sans; but she is ur Sister! Laksh; Step-Sister!!!! Sans; u have the same father. She is ur Half-Sister. Laksh; arrg 😡. She is the illegitimate child of my father. Sans; but I love her! Laksh; I know u do!. But I hate her like she hates me! Sans; leave it...

Laksh n Sans left the gym...

Author note; thank you for reading the story n sorry if it is not what u were expecting 🌹. I soon I will have an idea I will update but please have patience.

I have to end a few of my other stories which a mainly of Sukor n after that I hope I can be regular again. As u all know SS n OS r completely reserved for the weekends I have to find a schedule for my stories 😊.

Mr. Ragini Kapoor & Mrs. Lakshya Khanna (Under editing - Completed) Where stories live. Discover now