Chapter 6: We're Just Friends

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Wonho's POV

"So are you ever going to tell me who she is? She's been looking over at you this whole time, bro."

I put the barbell back on the rack and sat up. Me and Shownu were inside the weight room of Monsta Gym. I was doing a bench press workout and he was spotting me when he decided to point out the woman who had been trying to catch my attention.

Me and Candace met at the gym when I used to be her personal trainer. We have been together a couple of times, but I decided to cut her off when she started trying to get serious with me. After I cut her off, she was still blowing up my phone and stopping by my apartment at random times, so I tried avoiding her. It didn't work because she knew I was always at Monsta Gym, so whenever she showed up I just ignored her. She was staring me down so hard that even Shownu noticed.

"Don't even look over there. She might come over," I told him.

"Whoa, what's the deal between you and her? How come you've never mentioned her to me?"

"She's not important enough to mention, that's why."

I looked up to see Candace making her way over to Shownu and I, and I cursed under my breath. Great, just what I needed.

"Hey baby, how are you?" Candace asked as she leaned over to where I was sitting on the weight bench in an attempt to give me a hug. Her cigarette breath wafted over to my nose and her greasy brown hair tickled my forehead before I quickly stood up to get away from her.

"It's Wonho, not baby. We're not together," I insisted.

"Of course not, you hardly ever answer my calls anymore. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to avoid me," she answered back.

Shownu snickered from the side where he was eavesdropping in our conversation. I just shook my head and told her, "Look Candace, you're a nice woman. But I'm not looking for anything serious right now. We can't be together, meaning I don't want you to call me, text me, or stop over here or my apartment just to bother me, got it?" I had to be firm with her but I was still being nice.

"Okay, babe. I got it, call me when you need a real woman," she said. She then winked her green eyes at me and walked away switching her hips, trying to put on a show even while she was leaving. Ugh, what did I ever see in her?

"Ahaaaa! What was that all about?" Shownu screamed.

I just ignored him and got up to go to the men's locker room.

"You must have something special for her to be bothering you like that," he continued.

"Look, just leave it alone bro," I said as I got my gym bag and phone out my locker. I saw that I had a new notification. It was a text.

Jooheon: Club tonight?🤔

"Hey, Jooheon wants to go to the club, you want to go?" I asked Shownu.

"Yeah, why not?" He said as he grabbed his gym bag.

Me: Sure I just need to get dressed. Shownu's coming too.

I texted Jooheon back, and I left one of the trainers in charge to lock up. Me and Shownu went over my apartment to get ready.

I pressed the elevator button in the lobby of my apartment building, and when it arrived we both got in. When the doors were about to close, heard a voice shout, "Hey, hold the door!"

I quickly pressed the button to reopen the elevator doors, and Maya came inside. She must have just got off work because she had on a dress shirt, slacks, and heels. She always looked so good.

"Thanks, guys. I would have died if I had to wait for it to come back down," she sighed as she pressed the button for her floor.

I noticed her shoulders were drooping, she was slightly limping, and she did seem kind of tired.

"Long day?" I asked.

"Yes, it was the busiest day that I've had in a while. I'm ready to just go home and sleep."

"Aw, well you should come over tomorrow. I'll make your favorite," I said as the elevator stopped at Maya's floor.

"Okay then, I'll see you later. Bye guys," she waved to me and Shownu before the doors closed.

When we got inside of my apartment, I noticed Shownu was staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm okay, but what about you?" He replied back.

"What do you mean?"

"'I'll make your favorite' what was that all about? You sound like you're her boyfriend or something," he said mockingly.

"Nah, we're just friends that's all. Don't get it twisted," I explained.

"Mm-hmm, whatever. I saw the way you were looking at her," he muttered under his breath.

I just shook my head and went into the bathroom to shower. Once we were both ready, we left to go meet up with Jooheon and Changkyun.

We were on our third shot each when I noticed a group of women staring in our direction. The woman in the middle looked at me and winked while twirling a piece of her black hair between her fingers. I smiled at her, which made her group of friends explode into giggles.

"Ok, I see you," Changkyun said as he watched me and the woman flirting with each other from across the room.

"Listen, I'm going to head out, I'll text you later," I told Shownu. He nodded his head in understanding.

I looked back across the room and zeroed back in on the dark haired woman. As I walked across the room, I knew that tonight was going to be a good night.

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