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Zed's pov:
      I open the door leading into my house and carry my sleeping beauty to my room. I set her on the bed and stare at her features.
        Her cheeks still slightly dusted with pink, freckles dance across her cheeks as well, her beautiful purple eyes closed by her eyelids. (Had to make her different in more ways than one...)  and finally her plump, pink lips. The ones that fit so perfectly with mine. Perfect. She's perfect, I know she has problems, I know she says she's broken. But she's not, she's just a little mixed up is all. And maybe she was lost, but I found her, and I'm never letting her go.
         I take one of her hands in mine and bring it to my lips. I kids each knuckle carefully to not wake her. I then place her hand in my lap and hold it until she awakes.
             Half an our later
Her eyelids flutter open revealing the deal purple I'm used to.
          "Zed? Wh-where am i?" Her voice asks, it's slightly hoarse and a little low due to her just waking up.
            "My house, and don't worry, I already called your parents. You know you should really put a lock on your phone,"
                "Oh, well.. thank you,"
"Not a problem," I say gently kissing her forehead. "Now then we need to get ready!" I say excitedly jumping up from where I was sitting. She sits up and stares at me like I'm crazy, which I am, but still...
       "For what?"
"The zombie bash!"
          She tilts her head to the side slightly, something she does whenever she's confused.
        "Here," I say handing her a t-shirt of mine "wear this. Keep the jeans, but wear this."
            She rolls her eyes but accepts the shirt.
        "You get dressed in here, I'll go to the bathroom," I say walking out grabbing my things
         Time skip to the mash thingy
We walk hand in hand to the building where it's located. I squeeze her hand knowing her anxiety could act up ant second.  
   Y/n's POV:
   "It's starting!" Zed exclaims running off. I stand there awkwardly unsure if want to do..
      Soon I see him and this fog like substance and lights. He begins dancing, and singing. I still don't get that.
     After about 3 minutes of that everyone is standing around talking and laughing, Zed has disappeared so it seems. I walk around looking for I'm and I hear a little girl?
    I then the corner seeing zoe, Zed's little sister, cheering. She's so sweet.
     To be continued

Zed x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora