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Okay so first, just a small authors note: I know I said a new chapter would be up, but I said in the previous chapter, my depression is deciding to be a bitch. However, y'alls comments are amazing! Like holy crap whenever I read them I get this huge ass smile on my face y'all make my day, and for that. I thank you all. Now then, on to the next chapter!
              Zed's POV:
after watching y/n hesitantly eat the pancakes, I laugh a little at her being nervous. She's so cute! I realize something though... I have never taken her on a date. Well, we're gonna change that!
       She give me a small confused look across the table,  probably from my idiotic smiling.
       After we eat y/n and I retreat to my bedroom.
    "So what do you wanna do Today?" She asks looking up at me
          "Well, I was thinking of taking you on a real date. However, zombies aren't allowed in your town. So. What to do?"
         "My house!" She exclaims her eyes lighting up slightly "My parents aren't there, and we can eat junk food and have a Disney movie marathon!"
      I giggle and her childish way, she only let's it out on occasion due to her anxiety. And I guess her depression, usually she's in a slump. But with me she's always happy. Or is she just good at hiding it?
        "What are we waiting for, zed? Let's goo"
        She pulls at my arm, it doesn't get her anywhere,  a I'm much stronger than she is.
        "Hang on, let me get a hoodie so I can hide my hair." I pull my hoodie off the race and we face out the door.
     She yawns a bit, whenever we are out of zombie town.
       "I could use some coffee." She traps me into a near by, Starbucks? What the fuck type name is that?
      She gets a ... However the hell you pronounce it and I just kinda stand there, leaning on the counter.
   Like this. He's not wearing this. Just wanted a reason to share it.

        Time skip to when they are at her place of living
     Y/n drags  me to her room.
              "Take off your hoodie,"
             "Just do it!"
I do, and throw it at her. She doesn't catch it. It hits her face and falls to the floor. 
     I laugh and sit down on the floor to catch my breath.
    The next thing I know a was of fabric is thrown at my head. I look at it but it's not my hoodie, it's hers.
     Now, she's really small, but she wears hoodies that are no where near her size, it fits me.
        "That's my favorite hoodie. You take it, so when we're apart you have me, and I'll take yours so whenever we're apart I have you."
     I pull the hoodie over my head, it smells like her. Damn, I love this girl..
    But when will I tell her?
  Sorry for the cliffhanger guys,  and the long wait. And the short chapter. I have been trying to come up with ideas, battle depression, work through friend drama and 2 different boy drama stuffs. So a lot has been happening. I should be back to updating tho. Hopefully.

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