0.1 //Something Big//

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Written: March 5th of 2018

"Something big I feel it happening, out of my control."


You know, I always thought living on my own, away from my family would be the greatest decision to make; when in reality, it was the worst. I missed waking up to Sam yelling at me, I missed my parents making breakfast. I just missed them.

My normal routine away from my family mostly consisted of waking up, getting freshened up, eat, work, come home and eat, sleep. It was a daily process that I was done and over with. Of course I have friends, just not close friends whom come over every other night to hang out with me. I have what some people call acquaintances.

One important thing you need to know about me is that I suffer from anthropophobia; a fear of meeting new people. Or social anxiety, whatever works best for you.

I call Sam or my parents at least every other week, mostly to check up on each other. But I'm feeling more lonely each day, and I think Sam's starting to notice. He pesters me to 'go outside and get some sunshine and some friends while you're at it!' Do I listen? Nope. Why? Because I'm stubborn like that; and I don't associate with a lot of people. As you can tell.

As I walked to my bed to go to sleep, my phone started to ring. "Seriously," I groaned aloud, "It is midnight and someone's calling me." I whined, not even caring if I was talking to myself. I grabbed my phone and swiped left to answer, not evening caring to look at the I.D.

"Evelyn Golbach." I answer, a yawn escaping afterwards.

"Eve, it's Sam!" I jumped at his high pitched voice.

"God, Sam, calm down. It's 12:04 at night here." I scolded him, "Why are you calling? And more importantly, why are you so happy?"

"Well, I was wondering how you're doing at your apartment." He lied. I could tell he was lying by the tone of his voice.

"Sammuel, what do you really want?" I pester.

"Fine," he said with a defeated sigh. "Colby and I were wondering if you wanted to maybe come live with us here in L.A.?" I almost dropped my phone at the thought.

"Um, I don't know, Sam. I mean, I don't even know if I'd like it there." I said, shuddering at the thought of meeting and being around new people. I knew Sam and Colby lived in a house with other people, but I don't know any of them on personal levels.

"Come on Eve, it'll be fun. If you don't like it then you can move back home with Mom and Dad." he begged.

I thought over it before giving in, "I guess I should transfer jobs." I smiled, looking around my small room.

"Yay!" He cheered through the phone, I wouldn't be so surprised if he was doing some sort of dance, knowing him.

"Okay, well, Sammie, I gotta go. Tell Colby I said hi." I interrupted his moment before hanging up after hearing his short goodbye. I set my phone back down on the wireless charger and slid into my bed, falling asleep almost instantly.


The next day at work, I talked to my manager about moving jobs. He called the company in L.A. and they were ecstatic to have me move out there to work. For some reason they were even giving me a raise.

Now, if you're wondering where I work, I'm an editor. I work on my own stories that get sent to other people to check off, but I go over people who are below me before they can be shown to the head of the company. It sounds confusing, but it's really interesting, especially when I really like what the topic is about.

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