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'like a right of passage'

Eunice Collins took in her surroundings observing how the walls were plastered in drawings of all kinds and colours of every shade possible

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Eunice Collins took in her surroundings observing how the walls were plastered in drawings of all kinds and colours of every shade possible. She was currently in a tattoo parlour with her two best friends, Scott and Stiles, who had dragged her along all because Scott had wanted to get a tattoo. Actually, it was mostly Stiles' idea to bring Eunice along. She had no clue as to why but, she was glad he did as she had nothing better to do at home.

"Hey Scott, how about you get this one?" asked Stiles whilst smirking. The pale, sarcastic boy was holding up a drawing of an inanimate creature most likely a lizard, referring to his longtime crushes ex-boyfriend, Jackson. Although, he was more commonly known as 'Jackass' by Eunice and most people.

Stiles had a crush on Lydia since the 3rd grade but, she continues to ignore him everyday. Eunice on the other hand, didn't understand the concept of love. She thought there was no point in chasing after someone who wouldn't return the feeling or having a false sense of hope on finding love when the reality is much harsher. This is also why a pretty girl like Eunice has never had a boyfriend.

Eunice tried to hold back her laughter but, failed miserably whilst Scott gave Stiles a look as if saying 'really?'. Eunice shook her head to herself as if thinking 'How on earth did she become friends with these two idiots?'.

"Scott, are you sure about this? I mean these things look really permanent" Stiles reminded Scott seriously. Eunice didn't understand why but, Stiles was really against the idea of Scott getting a tattoo. Stiles wasn't just against the idea, he despised it!

"I'm not changing my mind," Scott said stubbornly to both Eunice and Stiles.

"Okay, but why two bands?" Stiles asks as he impatiently waits for Scott's answer.

"Does it really matter?" Eunice asked getting slightly annoyed at Stiles for bringing this conversation back up.

"Getting a tattoo means something," Scott explained to Stiles whilst shuffling in his chair.

"I don't think that's-" Stiles began saying but, got abruptly cut off by the tattoo artist.

"That's right, tattooing goes back thousands of years," The tattoo artist comments, informing both Scott and Stiles but, Eunice being the genius she was finished his sentence. "The tahitian word "tatua" means "to leave a mark. Like a rite of passage."

"Yeah, you see they get it!" Scott exclaimed at Stiles to prove his point.

"He's covered in tattoos, Scott, literally and Eunice, I don't get why your okay with this?" Stiles says looking over at Eunice but, his eyes lingering on her a little longer than they should have.

"Okay, you ready? You ain't got any problems with needles, do you?" The tattoo artist asks mostly directing it towards Scott.

Scott answers boldly with a new found confidence, "Nope" and as soon as the word leaves his mouth, the tattoo artist starts with the needle on Scott's arm.

"I tend to get a little squeamish though, so..." Stiles starts his eyes carefully monitoring the needles actions on Scott's arm. Almost immediately, his face goes paler than it already was and he passed out on the ground before he could finish his sentence.

Eunice reacting quickly asked the tattoo artist for an ice pack to stop any more damage from being caused to Stiles.

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