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'you know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer?'

'you know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer?'↛

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Eunice sat up in her bed waiting for her alarm to go off. She had been up since five in the morning because she had difficulty sleeping. She glanced over at the clock on her beside table to see it read 7.00am. Eunice had another half hour before she had to wake up but, she did anyway.

All Eunice could think about was how school started today. Unlike most people, she loved school purely because she wouldn't be at home and would be surrounded by people who actually loved her. Eunice's parents were never around much. Her father was in another country, unable to say which one since he's always moving, for his business and her mother was always cooped up in her office and didn't get home till the early hours of the morning. So, technically speaking Eunice lived alone with only the company of her two best friends to help her survive.

Eunice was deciding on an outfit to wear. She wasn't really into fashion but, wanted make some sort of impression on her first day back. She was currently debating over wearing a casual outfit or going all out for the first day of school. In the end she decided to go with the casual outfit as it was more her style.

Eunice then heard the familiar sound of a car honk knowing well who it belonged to

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Eunice then heard the familiar sound of a car honk knowing well who it belonged to. She grabbed her school bag and headed out the door to be greeted by a very happy looking Stiles. Eunice still hasn't learnt to drive a car seeing as she was a year younger than all of them (she skipped a grade due to her superb intellect) so, Stiles kindly offered to be her ride for the year.

Getting into his jeep, Eunice mumbled a small "Hi" whilst shutting his door. At that moment, Stiles starts the ignition, moving onto the road.

"You know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer? 247,000." Stiles started abruptly trying to fill the silence that had been occurring. "But that's crossing the road. This one last night came right down the middle," his eyes glued onto the road as he continued to speak. Awkwardly, he explained how that was all he could gather as he pulled out of his house by his father. Upon hearing this, Eunice burst out laughing picturing what Stiles has just said. Stiles turned around to admire how gorgeous Eunice looked when she laughed. Soon after, Stiles himself was laughing.

After the laughter died down, Stiles and  Eunice sat in a comfortable silence. Finally, Stiles pulled up into the school parking lot that was already filled with cars. Stiles finds a parking spot, shutting off his jeep as Eunice turned around to retrieve her bag from the backseat. Eunice gets out of the jeep shutting the door behind her to be greeted by none other than Stiles. A small smile was playing on his lips as he looked down at the girl standing next to him. The two walked into school meeting up with Scott along the way.

"So, any ideas on how to get your tattoo back?" Eunice asked curious about what the tanned boy had in mind. Both Stiles and Eunice turn to Scott to see his lips pursed and eyebrows knitted together.

"Actually I have," he states turning to Eunice the Stiles, his gaze lingering a little longer.

"You wanna ask Derek for help? Why, why?" Stiles asked obviously annoyed by the suggestion.

"He's got the triskele tattooed on his back. So there has to be a way to do it without healing, right?" Scott replies clearly having thought out his answer.

"Doesn't he have his hands a little full?"  Eunice reminded them, pointing towards the 'MISSING' pictures of Erica and Boyd on the school's notice board.

"See she gets it!" exclaimed Stiles pointed at Eunice then turning back to Scott.

"And what the hell is this?" The Principle's voice boomed as he was looking at a sword of some kind.

Clearly, we were involved in it, supernatural stuff. Stiles realising this instructs Scott and Eunice to "Go, go, go" as the three speed walk past the Principle's office heading towards their first lesson, English.

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