8-Studio Sleepover

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A/N:Heya  guys Extremely sorry for late update and I promise this will be longer. I'm still tryna update daily but it it is a struggle. I'll do my best but for now, enjoy this chapter.

Amanda's POV

I'm super hyped about the A-troupe sleepover but I am a little nervous because everyone knows u have to play truth or dare at a sleepover and Michelle and everyone will ask  me a very very personal question and there is NO WAY I'm admitting that I like Noah. NO WAY.

I change into a white hoodie and throw on some black leggings.

I add my pajamas, makeup,dance clothes, headphones and chocolate into my  bag

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I add my pajamas, makeup,dance clothes, headphones and chocolate into my  bag. I throw my phone into my pocket and wait for Eldon to come down. Why do I have to wait for him? Things would be sooooo much better if he was a brother who cared for me and was always there for me. I'm not saying he isn't an amazing bro but come on man. I deserve better.


Eldon: chilax bro. Let's get goin.

We walk out of the house and Lock the door. As we were walkin I sense  someone followoing me but I decide to ignore it. 

Eldon: did you pack the just-in-case-Michelle-breaks-up-with-me chocolate?

Amanda: yeah. Why do u even need it? It's not like she's actually gonna break up with ya.

Eldon: shhhh don't jinx it!!

Eldon: you like listening to people's convos and I like eating chocolate. It's the same thing.

Amanda: it's definitely not the same thing. Anyway we're here so let's get going.

We enter the studio and I wait for Michelle in Hidalgos. Once she arrives Eldon,Michelle and I head into studio A. Everyone was wearing comfortable clothes but mine were comfier. 

Miss Kate: hey guys. Welcome back. Tonight I decided we should have a sleepover as a studio because why not? Ok so we have a table full of snacks and drinks and stuff,help ur selves to them. Also u can play games and can watch movies and stuff. I'll be around if you need me and have fun!

As soon as Miss Kate had left, everyone had stormed over to the snack table and starts stuffing their mouths full.

Emily: guys let's play would you rather..

All: ok 

Emily: I'll go first. Ok guys would you rather..... use eye drops made of vinegar or toilet paper made of sandpaper?Michelle?

Michelle: definitely  sandpaper for toilet paper 

Amanda: My turn! Would you rather live on a house boat made of garbage or eat a sandwich in a bathroom? Umm Noah?

Noah: sandwich in a bathroom

Amanda: you would really do that?

Noah: it's way better than living on a house boat made of garbage . It'll smell bad and the water will make it smell more and then all u got is a big pile of wet garbage.

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