“Oh,” Nicky said crest-fallen, “Okay, I get it. Take care.”

            Kayla felt a twinge of regret as Nicky hung up, but she couldn’t let that bother her. She really couldn’t think of him as more than a friend. She thought that she could forget about Jesse, but she realized that she can’t. Even if she can’t have him, she would preserve him in her memory. She touched the poster lovingly, and put it back in the drawer. There was no use in thinking that he would feel the same.

            When she got back to the city, Kayla went to the City Park as usual. She was hoping not to run into Nicky here. She could not handle the drama with him right now. She sat and watched people pass by her. Nicky never appeared at all, and for that she was quite relieved.

            As she got up to leave, her phone rang. It was Jesse! She answered the phone nervously.

            “Hello,” Kayla said.

            “Where are you?” he asked her.

            “At the City Park,” she replied.

            “Are you alone or with Nicky?” he asked her.

            “Alone,” Kayla answered.

            “Wait for me at the park entrance,” he instructed.

            “Why?” Kayla asked, but he hung up. She stared at her phone, what is he trying to prove?

            She waited at the main gate for him to arrive, fidgeting nervously. I wonder why he wants to meet me. She thought to herself.

            “Kayla!” she spun to see Nicky coming up to her, without his usual disguise.

            “Nicky, what are you doing here?” Kayla asked him.

            “I was looking for you,” he said as he stood beside her. Just then Jesse arrived in his car. He got out of the car and stared at them.

            “What’s going on?” he asked Nicky.

            “Nothing,” Nicky replied, as he took hold of Kayla’s hand.

            “You said you were alone,” Jesse asked Kayla accusingly as she stared at him with wide eyes.

            “I was alone,” Kayla answered.

            “Come with me,” he said as he took hold of Kayla’s hand. She followed him, but Nicky tugged her hand back.

You Are My Beautiful Soul (A Jesse McCartney fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن