“But I never…” Kayla said before Victoria cut in,

            “I know you’re reveling in it, aren’t you?” she said as Kayla blinked at her, “You love it don’t you when Jesse values your opinion and Nicky being oh-so charming towards you. You think they really like you, but you’re mistaken. They only feel pity for you!”

            “Pity,” Kayla repeated.

            “Yes, they pity you because they know that no guys will ever want you,” Victoria said sneering, as Kayla wondered where her beauty had gone. She looked like an evil witch right now, “They are too nice guys to be jerks to you, and you so foolishly think that they would really fall for you.”

            “Look at yourself, Kayla!” Victoria said, “You think you could measure up to people like Jesse and Nicky and me? You think you could stand beside Jesse as his girlfriend? You are seriously deluded. And not to mention you had to be close to his family too.”

            “Kayla!” Amanda called out as she glared at Victoria, who tossed her hair and walked away without a second glance.

            “Is everything okay, dear?” Mrs. McCartney asked, as Kayla slumped against the wall.

            “Is that the reason you never come to visit?” Mrs. McCartney asked her, “Were you afraid of Jesse finding out?”

            “I was afraid he would think that I had other intentions to see you,” Kayla said, sniffling, “I have no other intentions, Mrs. McCartney. Please believe me.”

            “I believe you dear,” Mrs. McCartney said, hugging her tightly, “Don’t listen to what that witch says. I’m sure she’s just trying to cost trouble for you. I will talk to Jesse and explain everything.”

            “No, I don’t want Mr. McCartney to know that Victoria said that to me,” Kayla said pleadingly.

            “She is the kind of girl I really hate,” Amanda said, balling up her fist, “Let’s go.”

            She turned to leave, but suddenly doubled up in pain.

            “Ms. Mandy, are you okay?” Kayla asked, as she and Mrs. McCartney ran towards her.

            “I’m okay,” Amanda said, clutching her belly, “It’s just normal contractions.”

            “Do you want to go to the hospital?” Mrs. McCartney said.

            “No, its, arggh!” Amanda screamed. Kayla started to panic.

            “Oh no,” Amanda said, sweating, “I think my water broke.”

            Kayla thought she could faint right there, but she had to worry about Amanda. What to do? Kayla thought frantically. She started to dial Jesse’s number.

            “What?” he answered her rudely.

            “Jesse!” Kayla said, as Amanda sat on the ground wincing in pain, while Mrs. McCartney rubbed her hand, “Jesse, we need you. Ms. Mandy’s about to give birth!”

            “Call Ed, he is after all her husband isn’t he?” he answered.

            “JESSE!” Kayla yelled, as Mrs. McCartney stared at her, “Her husband is out of town! Get yourself here, NOW!”

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