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Supergirl's pov

Kal and I bust through a wall of a building to see Batman staring at a guy, in a black jacket and a red helmet, holding a pistol to a kneeling Jokers head.

"Hood stop now!" Kal barked. The guy starts to pull the gun back.

"Ahhh. Come on now Red Hood." Joker said. "Don't you want revenge for your friend J...."

The guy kicks Joker in his face. "Don't you ever say his name!" He puts the gun back against Jokers head.

"Killing him won't bring him back!" Kal shouted. "Killing Joker won't solve anything."

"You're right, Killing Joker won't bring him back." Red Hood shots Joker in his left shoulder, causing Joker to let out a confused laugh of pain. "But it will make me feel a whole hell of lot better."

"You shot me!" Joker laughs. "You actually shot me! I didn't think a bat goon would actually shoot me."

Red Hood punches Joker in his face, and Shots him in his other shoulder. "I'm not one of bat's goons anymore. Not after I realized how much of a coward he was."

"Ooh, did you hear that bats your little one is being disobedient. I like h..." Joker is cut off by Red Hood sticking his pistol in his mouth.

"Bruce do something!" Kal shouts. "You have to stop him. You can't let him kill Joker."

"...."  Batman stayed silent and just stared at Red Hood.

"Kal it's hopeless, Batman won't stop him,  we have to stop him." I state. Kal and I step forward, but stop when a bullet hits Kal, and he falls to one knee. "What?" I look back at Red Hood to see him aiming a pistol at Kal.

"Gold Kryptonite bullets." Hood aims his gun at me. "I don't want to hurt you Kara, cause unlike your cousin I like you, but if you try to stop me I will kill you." Hood puts his second pistol away. "Now say goodbye, Joker."

Joker laughs. "Goodbye Joke...."

Four years earlier

Batgirls pov

Batman and I return to the Bat cave after we finished patrolling Gotham. "Bruce have you seen (y/n)? I haven't seen him in a few days."

"No. I thought maybe you seen him." We walk into the Bat Cave, and see someone in sitting in front of the monitor." Bruce puts him arm out in front of me. "Who are you?"

"Why didn't you tell me Joker was the one that killed Jason?" (Y/n), in his Batwing suit, asked as he spun around in the chair. "Why didn't you tell me Joker killed my best friend. More importantly..." (y/n) walks up to Bruce. "Why didn't you do anything about it?" (Y/n) takes off his mask, and gives it to Bruce. "You can find yourself a new Batwing.... you did it with Jason, and I'm sure you'd do it with Stephanie to." (Y/n) walks out of the Bat Cave.

"Bruce?" Bruce stares at (y/n)'s mask. "Bruce?" I run out of the Bat Cave and look for (y/n), but he's no where to be found.

Present Day

Batgirl's Pov

"Say good bye, Joker." I watch as Red Hood tilts his pistol, that's in Jokers mouth, upwards.

Joker lets out a muffled laugh. "Good bye, Joke..." Before Hood could pull the trigger I throw a batarang, in between Superman and Supergirl, hitting Hood in his wrist causing him to let go of the gun. I jump into the building, and tackle Hood to the ground before he can pull out another gun. "Supergirl get Joker!" I grab Hood's second pistol before he kicked me off of him. Hood and I both get to our feet, and he reaches for his gun. "Looking for this?" I throw the gun to Superman, and he crushes it."

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