“No, that would be too desperate,” Nicky said, wisely, “It shows that we care, and girls don’t appreciate guys who care about them. When you show that you don’t care, that is when they’ll come after you.”

            “Is that so?” Jesse said, contemplating, is that why girls always chase me? Because I act like I don’t care, but then again, I really don’t care!

            “Yes, Jesse,” Nicky said, as they pulled up in front of the restaurant, “You’re still a young boy in this game, and before you could learn you got snatched by Miss Victoria.”

            “Right,” Jesse said, sourly.

            “She’s one babe,” Nicky said, dreamily as they got out of the car, “You’re one lucky guy.”

            Jesse just kept silent. He knew better that to agree with what Nicky said, or it would go back to Victoria and she would think he cared about her, and that would be a nightmare. He shook his head in disgust as they were ushered in the restaurant.

            “Good evening, Sir,” the guy at the front table greeted them, “I’m sorry, but all the tables are full or reserved.”

            “What?” Nicky said.  

            “Didn’t you check earlier before you decided to come here?” Jesse asked accusingly at Nicky.

            “I never thought it would be full,” Nicky whined.

            “Yes, it is, unfortunately,” the guy, named Thomas said.

            “Hey, Thomas, what’s going on?” the restaurant owner, Mr. Jamey came towards them, smiling at Jesse and Nicky.

            “Mr. Starr and Mr. Bryan, good evening,” he said, as he shook their hands, “Actually Benny is here, so if you guys want to you can share the table with him. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

            “Yeah he wouldn’t mind,” Jesse said as they were showed to Benny’s private booth. He was sipping water when he saw Jesse.    

            “Jesse boy!” he said, beaming, “How are you? Come and sit here, I’m just having dinner with my assistant.”

            “Your assistant?” Jesse said, puzzled.

            “Yeah, my new assistant,” Benny replied as Nicky sat opposite him, “Quite afraid of you, she is.”

            “Really,” Jesse said disinterestedly. He didn’t like people who are afraid of him, “I’ll be back in a minute – got to go to the washroom.”

You Are My Beautiful Soul (A Jesse McCartney fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now