3rd pov

(your name) have been travelling across remnant he has visited many kingdoms only to arrive in vale, it was night (your name) has just arrived in vale,walking around the city he came across a girl wielding a scythe fighting off a bunch of man.

(your name): hmm this seems interesting

when you went closer to see what was happening u saw one of the man about to stab the girl in the back so you took out your bolt pistol and shot him in the arm.

man: ugh your gonna pay for that

girl: not if i can help it 

she hits the man with her scythe knocking him out. after all that a man with a cool looking hat came out, on closer inspection it was roman torchwick the notorious criminal mastermind

roman: well, red i think we can all say this has been a eventful evening, and as much as i loved to stick around

he aims his cane at the girl

roman: im afraid this is where we part ways

he fired his cane but the girl managed to dodge the shot, while this was all happening i saw him climbing the side of a building to make his escape so as any rational human being would do i followed him to see what he was up too. when he made it to the top off the building i saw that the girl was there as well.

girl: hey!

roman: persistant

as he says that a bullhead can be seen flying near the building roman got on to the bullhead

roman: end of the line red *he tosses a red dust crystal*

the cyrstal lands near the girl, it took me a while to realise that was an explosive crystal,i quickly ran a pushed the girl to safety as roman shot the crystal causing it to blow up

girl: thanks for the save there buddy are you okay.

(your name): yeah, that was annoying but nothing i cant handle.

i realise i was only struck with an aftershock of the explosion as in front of me was a blonde lady shooting purple blast from a riding crop and than i thought to myself. huh did not know there were psykers here cool. but even after that the bullhead managed to escape.

girl: your a huntress, can i have your autograph?(she says with amazement in her eyes)

timeskip to a room

blonde lady: if it were up to me i would send u home with a pat on a back and slap on the wrist *she hits the table with the riding crop*

girl: eeek

i just laughed a little to the girls reaction while receiving a glare form the blonde lady

blonde lady: but there is someone here that would like to meet the both of you.

a man emerges from the doorway holding a mug and what seems to be a plate of cookies judging from how the man looks i deduced that this is the headmaster of beacon ozpin

 ozpin: ruby rose,you have sliver eyes

ruby: um?

ozpin: so where did you learn to do this (he said while signalling to the tablet)

ruby: S-Signal Academy

ozpin: they thought you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed

ruby: well one teacher in particular 

Ozpin : i see *he lays the plate of cookies in front of the girl* it just that i only know one other scythe wielder with that skill before, a dusty old crow

ruby: tasss mhu unkll*she says with her mouth stuffed with cookies*

(your name)*thoughts* by the emperor holy light chew and swallow the food girl have you no decency when speaking with someone

ruby: sorry, thats my uncle qrow. he i was complete garbage before he took me under his wing and now im like hoowwaaah witchaaaa she said that while doing karate stances with her hands

(your name):*thoughts* even though she lack common decency she is extremely adorable, uhh what am i thinking i an inquisitor i shoudnt be having these thoughts.

ozpin: so ive noticed so what is an adorable girl like yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors.

ruby than began to tell her life story. which i just spaced out

ozpin: do u know who i am both of you.

(your name): yup you are uhhh ah yes professor pinoz headmaster of bacon academy (saying all these so that he can piss of the guy) 

ruby: you are professor ozpin headmaster of beacon academy

ozpin: hello

(your name): salutations

ruby: nice to meet you

ozpin: do you both want to come to my school

ruby: more than anything

(your name): sure with this knowleged from this school i can greatly impact the imperium of man.oh did i say that out loud

ruby/ozpin: yup

(your name): well oops so when do we start

ozpin: next monday 8am there will be a ship to take you there 

(your name): cool. well i going to go back to rest bye ozpin, miss psyker and ruby

ruby: bye she said waving her hands.

with that (you exited the room through a opened window).

word count 1490

so what do all think i hope my writing was ok also any feedback will be noted so please give feedback i hope to see you all or maybe the 1 or 3 people that will read this.

well till next time

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