Chapter 4

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To the side Jamie 

Ambers POV

"Sure why not " He srugs and follows me outside.I lead him to where we keep all the furniture.I unlock the door and look inside.It is so dark inside I have to squint to see what is inside.I find the light switch and can see clearly now.

"How many people do you think will come ?" I ask him

"Um about twenty" He says rubing his chin trying to look smart.I grab three pick-nick blankets and a twenty normal blankets.I hand Ed half the pile of blankets.I then walk to the forest part which is about two minutes away.Ed obiviously follows.

"Hey Ambs I was wondering if ... um...." He trails off

"Yeah what is it you dont have to be shy" I say patting his back

"Um...well..I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend ?" He asks in a whisper so soft that I nearly didnt hear him.I cant date him I just cant.I cant date anybody because of the devils.They dont let me date they say it will make me to happy.How do I put him back into the friend zone.

"Um...I'm sorry Ed I dont think about you the same way sorry " I say.He hands me the rest of the blankets and walks away.Now I feel terrible.This day has just gone from bad to worse.I hate my life."I hate myself"I mumble to myself

"Why ?" A voice startles me from behind.I drop the blankets and let out a shriek.I turn around and see an unfimiliar

"Um I'm sorry to ask but who are you ?" I hate to ask cause I usually know most of the celebraties faces

"Names Brent Rivera and yours ?" He asks , helping me with the blankets.I look into his eyes and see that they are brown.Nearly black.

"Thanks and my name is Amber Johnson " I say giving him my hand to shake.He takes it and shakes my hand.He then takes half my blankets for me "You dont have to do this , I'm pretty sure I'll manage" I say looking at him but still walking

"A pretty little girl like yourself should not be doing work all by herself.It's a dangerous place out here " He says and I laugh "Why are you laughing ?" he then asks

"No it's just that I'm probally older than you " I say in between laughs

"Fine how old are you I'm sixteen " he say.I put the blankets down in a corner near the bonefire pit.Brent does the same.

"I'm nineteen " I say laughing.I walk over to wear a big log is.Brent comes to my side and helps me push it closer to the bonefire pit.I do the same with fout more so that they are all touching and form a square around the bofire pit.

"Oh " He says breathless from pushing the log.I'm also breathless those thisng must weigh the same a baby elephant.

"Oh My Word I'm tierd "I say taking deep breaths

"Yeah they weighed a ton , so why are you even doing this ?" He asks.I take a seat on one of the loggs and he does the same.

"Oh well we are having a bonefire tonight , with alot of celebs , you can come if you want." I tell him

"Yeah sure , sounds like fun.So what do we do now?" He asks

"Oh well you can do anything but seeing that the time now is " I check the time on my watch "two in the afternoon I have to get fire wood from the woods " I say standing up

"I'll come with you cause you seem the closet one my age and I cant let a girl walk in the forest alone " He says also standing up.We walk into the forest.I hand Brent the pieces of wood and he carries them.We make small talk while walking.He is a really nice guy.I learnt that he does vines on youtube and promised to show me some,sometime.We take about five minutes before brent and I arms are about to break off with all the wood we are holding.We walk back to the bonefire and drop the wood in a big pile.We take an hour before the pile is big enough for tonight.Well it is now 3pm.What to do now.

"Wow I must say that was a work out " He laughs and so do I "Your a good friend " He says throwing an arm around my shoulder

"You too "I say messing up his hair

"HHHEEEYYY!" He screams and messes up my hair

"Okay it's on " I say trying to tickle himand he doesnt even bouge.Oh great he moves his hands to my waist and starts to tickle me."AAAAWW GOD STOP !" I scream running out of breath.When people tickle me I cant control my breathing.One time I passed out."RUNNING OUT OF BREATH!" I scream and my face turns blue.Brent immeditaly stops.I catch my breath and stand up, off the floor.

"Wow sorry I didnt know that would happen " He appologizes

"No it's okay it's not your fault " I say feeling a bit dizzy.I try to walk , but fail.I fall into Brents arms instead of hitting the ground.

"Just let some air go to your brain before you walk ,okay" He says and I nod.He puts an arm around my waist helping me stand properly.I dont feel dizzy anymore so I take a step.I succeed.I walk to the lobby.Brents arm still around my waist.Obvisly just to make sure I dont fall again.We walk through the lobby and I see Harry and Jamie sitting together on a couch cuddling.God that makes me want to puke.Brent let me rests on the counter.I see a new face behind and I see that the face belongs to Jess

"Jess!"I scream and jump over the counter to hug her

"Ambs!"She screams back and hugs me tightly

"When did you start working here ?" I ask breaking the hug

"I started today " She says and looks at Brent

"Brent , Jess.Jess , Breant .Brent jess is my BFF" I introduce them.Brent gives his hand to shake Jess's hand.She shakes his hand and flashes a smile.

"Okay well ladies I'm going to take a nap , so I have enough energy to stay up tonight " Brent says waving to us.Me and Jess both wave back

"OMG did you see Harry Style from One Direction?" She asks in a whisper and I nod "Well it looks like he got over Haley fast" She whispers pointing to him but not making it obvious.

"That's Jamie the resort slut.I'm pretty sure he is only with her because he wants to get laid." I whisper too not wanting anybody to hear what I just said

"I think he like's you cause he keeps on staring at you " She squeals in a whisper

"Nah , he is probally staring at you "  I say poking her making her blush and she just nods.I look back to where Harry and Jamie were sitting and see that they are walking towards us.I quickly duck under the desk.Jess laughs.

"Hey have you seen where Amber went ?" He asks Jess and she laughs.Wow she is not good at covering things up.I stand up from beneath the desk.Giggling up a storm.Jamie gives me an evil glare.I look at Harry and he is mouthing "Please save me"I giggle even more and nod my head

"Well Mr.Styles if you will follow I will show you to the rooms that the rest of your band will be staying while they are here,sorry Jamie offical business." I say jumping over the counter and sticking my hand in her face.Jess just laughs and Jamie gives me a death glare.I lead Harry to the elavator.I turn to him and hit the top floor " I hope you realise that you have to get your other band mates here or she will know I lied " I say watching the numbers on the elavator.I hate these moving death traps.

"That can be arranged " he chuckles

"I know one person that would be excited to see William, Luke , Nick and Ziall " I laugh

"Who are they ?" He asks giving me a confused look

"The rest of your band "I say like he should know

"Oh you mean Liam, Louis , Niall and Zayn " he chuckles

"Well atleast I was close " I laugh

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