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(Mia & Jacob's Room)

Mia & Jacob had been unpacking their things attempting to get comfortable in their home they would be staying in for a while. Mia rubbed her arm, starting to feel uneasy.

Jacob: Babe what's the matter, you look upset.

Mia: I don't know. Don't you think this place is a little but weird?

Jacob: I mean it is a little bit old but I think it'll be fine.

Mia: You sure?

Jacob: Now come on (lays down) let's watch some tv!

Mia just rolled her eyes and smiled, crawling in the bed next to Jacob.

(Camille & Twist's Room)

Twist: I can't believe I let her talk me into buying that cheap ass gas!

Camille: (sitting on the bed) Baby calm down! Its not that bad.

Twist: Not that bad?! Were stuck here for who knows how many days and we might just miss our trip! How is that "not bad"!

Camille: You could at least appreciate the fact that these people are letting us stay in their home. You could still be stuck out in the middle of nowhere.

Twist: (sighs) You're right. I'm just frustrated that's all. (sits down)

Camille: (crawling up behind him & wrapping her arms around his shoulders) And you're tense. (whispers) I can fix that. (starts kissing on his neck)

(Nicole & Diggy's Room)

Nicole sighed as she put her clothes into the dresser. Her whole trip just turned into a complete disaster all because of some bad gas.

Diggy: Baby I know you're upset, but look at the bright side the car will be fixed in a few days.

Nicole: A few days? He said he didn't know how long it was going to take.

Diggy: Babe I want you to relax. You've been stressing a little too much. I wanna take everything off your mind. (starts kissing her lips then move to her neck)

Nicole: (stops him) Look Diggy as nice as that sounds, I'm really not in the mood. (goes to the bathroom)

Diggy: (to himself) Well at least you tried.

(Ashley & Khalil's Room)

Ashley: (putting clothes in the dresser) Babe I don't think I wanna stay here.

Khalil: (small laugh) Why you say that?

Ashley: I don't know. It just doesn't feel safe. Like what if something happens. We're staying with complete strangers and our parents don't even know where we are. I mean what if one of them is crazy and tries to kill us?

Khalil: Listen, don't worry I won't let anything happen to you, ok? (kisses her forehead) Now let's get some sleep.

Ashley: (smiles) ok.

(Mike & Joann's Room)

He had a computer set up in his room with screens of every room in the house. He placed cameras in every room of the house to watch what everyone was doing.

Mike: (watching cameras)

JoAnn: (comes in the room) Honey where did you put...what are you doing? Why are there cameras everywhere? Are those two kids having sex?! Oh no, I am going down there!

Mike: Honey no! I don't want them to know they're being watched!

JoAnn: Why are you doing this?

Mike: Because I want to know everything about them. Their strengths, weaknesses...fears. I want to be able to get inside their head. (smirks)

Psychoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें