Temporary Home

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After driving for nearly an hour, the truck finally pulled up to an old three story house. You could tell it was old because the paint had started to peel on the outside of the house and the porch had a creek in it. They all hopped off the back of the truck and stared at the house for a moment.

Mia: (whispers to Jacob) I don't think I'm feeling this house. You sure this is safe?

Jacob: Relax baby. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Mia: Are there any hotels or anything that we could stay in?

Mike: Not for another hundred miles.

Twist: So how long is it going to take for you to fix the car?

Mike: I don't know..days..maybe weeks. Just relax we'll take good care of you.

Camille: We?

Mike: Yes, my wife and I. She always said she wanted kids. Now let's go inside. I'm sure she's prepared a lovely meal this evening. (goes in the house) Honey I'm home!

They all gave each other an odd look and went into the house one by one. A woman, who looked like she was in her fortys walked into the room. She was wearing a plain pink shirt with faded jeans and brown shoes. She smiled as she looked at them and introduced herself. She had a strong country accent.

Woman: Hi I'm JoAnn! (reaching out her hand to be shaken)

Jacob: Hi I'm Jacob & this is Mia, Camille, Ashley, Nicole, Khalil, Diggy, and Twist.

They all waved and told her that it was nice to meet her.

JoAnn: Don't just stand there! Ive prepared a nice home cooked meal for you guys! Come, I'll make your plates.

They were taken into a huge dining room with a long table and multiple chairs. They sat down as they were each given a plate with chicken, macaroni, mashed potatoes, and a roll.

JoAnn: Hold hands now so we can say grace. (bows head and begin prayer) Lord we are so thankful for this wonderful food prepared this evening. May you bless us as we begin to eat. Amen.

Everyone: Amen.

JoAnn: So what brings you kids here?

Twist: We were actually going on a trip when we stopped for gas. Apparently the gas caused the car to break down.

JoAnn: I am so sorry to hear that. (a few minutes later) Well since you kids are done eating I'll show you to your rooms. We only have a few now.

Camille: It's ok. We can share.

JoAnn: You sure?

Camille: Yes ma'am.

JoAnn: Well follow me upstairs then. there are four rooms along this hall and if you need anything my room is just downstairs.

Nicole: Ok. Thanks. We'll split them Khalil & Ashley, Me & Diggy, Mia & Jacob, and Twist & Camille.

They all separated going into their rooms getting ready for bed. They didn't realize that the worst was yet to come.

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