Getting Gas

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Mia: Pull over at this gas station right here.

Twist: Are you sure? I mean it looks kinda old.

Mia: It'll be fine.

The gas station looked as if it had been there for years. There was paint shedding off of the wall, the windows were very dusty and kind of gave the place an abandoned look.

Twist: *looks around* I don't think so what if it messes up the car.

Ashley: Stop worrying! Khalil go pay for the gas.

Khalil: Ok.

Diggy: Hold on I'm coming too. Anybody want something to drink?

Camille: Sure.

Diggy: What kind?

Camille: It doesn't matter.

He got out of the car then him and Khalil both went in the store. The inside was just as torn as the outside. The floors were dirty and there was dust on everything. The drinks was the only thing that looked decent. He got eight sprites and took them to the counter.

There was a man that looked as if he were in his thirtys or fortys standing behind the counter with a name tag that read Mike. His eyes shot up at both Diggy and Khalil as they stood at the counter. He rung them up and they finally walked out of the store.

Diggy: That dude looks like a creep.

Khalil: Hell yeah.

Twist had finally finished pumping the gas and they got back in the car.

Twist: Let's get this show on the road.

As they were leaving the gas station the man looked out of the window with an evil smirk.

Mike: Oh you won't be getting far.

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