Bloody Parts

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Back over in the garage Mike had took the boys to check out what was going on with their car.
Mike: Well first off tell me what happened with the car.

Twist: Well we didn't have any problems until we stopped for gas at YOUR gas station.

Mike: So you're saying it's my fault?

Twist: Ye..(gets cut off)

Jacob: No that's not what he meant. (looks at Twist) What he means is it could've been the type of gas that's provided to you.

Mike: Well I'm not sure. We don't really get many visitors out here but I don't think that's been a problem in the past. (smiles)

Twist: Well something had to be the problem because it didn't happen until after we put the gas in the car.

Mike: Ok well I guess we'll figure something out. I'll be right back.

Twist: I don't know why the fuck he wants to play stupid! He knew something was wrong with that damn gas in the first place!

Khalil: Man you can't just go making assumptions.

Twist: No fuck that he did something to that damn gas and you know it! Then he magically pops up and ask if we need help! Sounds suspicious to me.

Diggy: Come on man. He gave us a place to stay until he fixes it. Just chill.

Twist: Fuck this Shit! (walks out)

Khalil: Damn he really pissed.

Diggy: Yeah well nobody wanted to spend their vacation somewhere in the woods.

Over in the corner Jacob spotted a wrench with a red liquid covering the upper part of it. He walked over to get a closer look at it.

Jacob: Hey guys check this out.

Khalil: What's up.

Jacob: The top of this wrench is covered with some kind of red liquid.

Diggy: What is it?

Jacob: I don't know. (touches it) Seems like it's blood.

Mike: What are you boys doing?

Jacob: (jumps) Umm nothing.

Khalil: (looks at Mike) What's that over in the corner? (points at the wrench)

Mike: Oh that...its nothing.

Diggy: But it has blood on it.

Mike: (shrugs) Must've come from an animal I was hunting. Don't remember.

Boys: (just stare.)

Mike: Look why don't you boys just go into the house and get something to drink. I think JoAnn made tea.

The boys looked at each other then walked away going to the house. Mike watched as they walked away and thought about how they could possibly be on to him. The wrench was indeed covered with blood but it wasn't from an animal. He had indeed went hunting but it wasn't for an animal. Let's just say hunting for flesh. He smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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