Chapter 40

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(YESSS and calum is ma bae



Since I've shared my feelings with the boys and Cally, my attitude has been more...mellow than usual. Even with the last weeks of school and Cally's father out loose.

Cally has lightened up a little, too. We have made it official of us dating and I can't be anymore happy. But Niall, not so much. He's found this girl, though, but she's the total slut of the school. It's kind of pathetic, honestly. How could you go from dating the sweetest girl, twice, to this whore?

"Hey, Harry. Can you get that, babe?" Cally sits on the couch, interrupting my thoughts.

I'm confused at first but then someone knocks on the door again urgently. I nod my head and make my way down the corridor.

"Hello?" I say as I open the door. A woman and a man stand on the doorstep with a child at their side. They look quite familiary, except for the little dude next to the man.


"Mom? Dad?"

They nod their heads and tears form in my mother's eyes. I know I should be happy as fuck right now but, I don't. These people abandoned be, only leaving me with money and no guidance. I didn't get to have a father or a mother to take me to school or pack me a lunch in the morning. No! I only had myself. So why should I forgive them now?

"Get the fuck out of my house." I growl. They step back as I slam the door and run up the stairs to my room. They don't deserve my pity.


Harry slams the door shut and disappears to his room.

"Harry! What's wrong?!" I stand from the couch and rush to the door before whoever was there leaves. A couple with a small child are walking back to their car but I stop them.

"Hey, don't leave! Who are you guys?" But I don't even need to ask when they turn around. The man has gelled back- but noticeably curly- hair and a nice frame, the woman has piercing green eyes, and the little boy shares both of their qualities. There's no doubt that these are Harry's parents but who's the little boy?

"You...You guys are"

"Harry's parents." The woman finishes, "And who are you?" Her accent is much stronger than Harry's and her smile is dazzling. She could be his twin! Well, his much older feminine twin.

"I'm, er, Harry's...friend." I don't know how their reaction would be if they knew that Harry had his girlfriend living with him so I stick with 'friends.' But, considering that they left him all alone with no responsibilities, I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

"Sweety, we know that you're his girlfriend!" His father laughs. The little child who's shoulder is engulfed in his father's hand stay silent. He looks much like Harry.

He looks up at me. I catch a better glimpse of his features. His eyes are a much darker green than Harry's but he has his facial struction. He looks back down, nervous of my gaze.

I smile and lead them to the house, letting them in through the door. They look around the house.

"It looks just how we left it." Harry's mother says and goes into the living room. She sits down on the couch and I take a seat in the chair while the man and child wander through the house.

"Where's Harry?" She asks.

"He's up in his room, I think. I can go get him.."

"No! Please stay! My name is Anne." She exclaims and extends her hand out to shake mine.

Endless Darkness | harry styles *completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora