"I don't know if I should now." Spencer admitted.

The brunette furrowed her brows and stared at the blonde curiously. "Why not? I mean, you came all the way over here, waited outside my door, gave me this super adorable speech and now you don't think you should come in?" Ashley placed her bag and files down on the desk to her right.

Spencer glanced down at it, then brought her eyes back up to meet the brunette's.

"Spencer?" Ashley questioned. She didn't understand the other woman's hesitation. Spencer sighed. Something heavy was weighing on her mind and the brunette could tell. "Come in. We'll just talk." Ashley nodded with a reassuring smile, pulling Spencer in by the arm.

"I have one brother, his name is Glen, we're twins. I think my parents wanted more kids but him and I were a bit of a handful so they thought better of it." Spencer laughed as she thought about her childhood with her brother.

They were sitting in the living room on the couch with the TV on in the background as they chatted and got to know one another. Ashley grabbed a half gallon of Cookies and Cream Ice cream from the freezer and two spoons from the drawer when they entered the apartment. They were halfway done with the ice cream within ten minutes.

"One sister named Kyla, one brother named Aiden." Ashley said, feeding herself a spoonful of ice cream.

"Do you still see them?" Spencer questioned.

Ashley shook her head. "My brother joined the army and my sister married this guy who lives in California and is a total asshole. I tried to warn her about him, that he wasn't good for her but she doesn't listen to me so..." Ashley trailed off with a shrug. "How about you, are you and your brother close?"

"Yeah." Spencer nodded. "I mean, I guess twins usually are. I think we're starting to kind of do our own things now though. He lived at my place for a while but then he got a girlfriend and they moved in together a few months ago. We're even in the same profession. It's really creepy sometimes how much we're alike. " Spencer chuckled and Ashley joined in with her.

"I always wondered what it'd be like to have a twin. I mean, can you guys really feel each other's pain and all that?"

"Sometimes I think I can feel a certain emotion he's feeling, but it could all just be in my head you know." Spencer said then looked down at the tub of ice cream that was now empty. "Um, we finished off your ice cream I'm sorry." She smiled.

Ashley shook her head, waving her off. I have plenty it's my favorite.

"Mine too!" Spencer practically squealed causing Ashley to chuckle. "Another thing we have in common." Ashley stood, grabbing Spencer's spoon and dropping in into the now empty tub of ice cream and took it to the kitchen.

"Do you want some water or something?" Ashley asked.

"No, I'm fine thank you."

"Okay, I'm gonna use the restroom really quickly I'll be right back." Ashley told the blonde who only nodded as the brunette walked the short distance to her bedroom and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Spencer stood up and quickly made her way over to the desk where Ashley had dropped her files earlier. She opened up the top one and read it quickly. "They finally know about the dating service." She mumbled and shook her head. The cops could be so dense. It took them way too long to figure that out. She closed that file and moved it aside opening up a new one.

It was a file on Sarah, the newest victim. Spencer stared at the file intensely. She flipped through the crime scene pictures and read the evidence log. No DNA evidence recovered from the scene that could be a potential match to the killer. All samples accounted for. The blonde smiled... no DNA meant she had more time. She knew she was always careful anyways, she didn't expect their to be any evidence of her having ever been in that apartment.

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