Hallway Tag

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Keith's POV

The hallway was empty, like it always was. Dimly lit and disconnected from the more commonly visited areas of the Castle of Lions, it was unappealing for anyone to come down here. Except me of course. Whenever I needed an escape, whether from an embarrassing situation, or just a simple headache, this is where I went to. My own personal haven, to sift through every thought going through my head, to calm down when angry, to think.

I had been sitting against the wall for what seemed like a good half hour, in a dreamlike state, just sitting, contemplating, when I was startled back into reality. I heard loud, booming footsteps coming my way, stepping to the beat of a tune said person was whistling. Me being me, I had learned what each team member's distiguishable footsteps sounded like within a week of becoming a paladin.

"Lance," I muttered quietly as I inwardly groaned. I hate that guy. Sighing, I gathered my bearings and emotionally prepared myself for another argument, or contest that I didn't want to partake in.

"What do you want?" I said, bitterness hinting in my tone. Apparently he had not seen me. Lance immediately shrieked, stepped backwards, tripped over his own feet, and fell flat on his butt.

I snickered. "Smooth move hotshot," Standing up , I dusted off my pants and started to walk away in the general direction of the kitchen.

"Hey!" Lance cried. "You shove a man to the ground and don't have the courtesy to pick him back up again?"

"I didn't lay a hand on you," I said, turning around to look down at him. Lance just rolled his eyes and got back up onto his feet.

"Well Kogane," he said, as he rested his elbow on my shoulder. I was surprised by his antics, and just stared at him. I was incredibly suspicious of what he was about to do, but I was too shocked by the contact that I made no attempt to move away. "YOU'RE IT!" And with that he shoved my to the ground, patted my head lightly, and sprinted away.

I was sprawled out on the floor, just lying there before I realized I should probably chase after Lance. After all, I was "it"

After a few minutes of running around, I realized his few moments of a head start were enough for me to have lost him.

"Damnit..." I muttered under my breath. I don't know why I still chased after him, knowing it was; A) Hopeless and B) Lance?

I had indeed specifically stated I did NOT want a competition, yet here I am, competing. I didn't care about winning nearly as much until Lance suddenly cared about beating me.

Now that I think about it, I hadn't cared about anything until Lance did. Whether it was as dumb and immature as a food fight, if Lance was involved, I was too. I sighed. Lance and his stupid symmetrical face. And his stupid lovely brown hair. And his stupid, yet emotional and full of expression, eyes. And his flawless, perfect, tanned skin. And his-


I was so lost in thought that I hadn't noticed Lance standing there until I liteally ran into him.

"Hey watch it mullet!" he shot. I walked up to him, grabbed his arm and whispered in his ear.

"You're IT bitc-"

"Keith wait." He stopped me mid sentence. I looked at him curiously. "Do you have any idea where we are?" He asked, and my stomach dropped. I looked around, only to see unfamiliar terrain. The doors, with Altean labels, didn't give me any clue as to where Lance and I were. Even the lights had a different, more eerie hue to them.

"Nice going idiot" I snapped at him. He looked offended.

"Me? You're the idiot who followed me here"

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