Episode 34

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Hi everyone thank you to everyone that has read this story, voted and commented :) This is the last Episode of this story but don't worry there will be an Epilogue after. Enjoy xx.

The Bad Boy (Harry Styles)

Episode 34

After a couple of days in being in the hospital we were finally let out. We decided to name our beautiful little baby boy Jake Styles. He is an adorable little baby. He was basically mini version of Harry. And it was the cutest.

At the moment Darcy was at home. Mum had been staying at our house while we have been at the Hospital. Mum told us Darcy was so excited to be able to see her baby brother.

Harry pulled into the drive way and we got out of the car while Darcy came running out the front door and over to the car to see Jake sleeping.

"He's so tiny mummy" Darcy said while smiling widely and softly grabbing his tiny hand in hers.

Harry walked over and grabbed Jake "But you have to be careful around him Darc. He's too tiny to play with now". That's the one thing we were scared of.

She pouted while nodding "When he gets older I'll make him play tea party with me" She said while smiling and skipping inside.

I laughed "She's just the cutest. Finally home sweet home".

Mum smiled while giving me a quick hug and looking down at a sleeping Jake and laughed "You should have seen her when you were in hospital, she was a ratbag. She was crazy and missed you so much she wanted to sleep in your bed every night".

I laughed and walked inside to hear Jake crying. I laughed when Darcy's face turned to a shocked expression while covering her ears.

I picked Jake up and went into his new baby room. It was painted in a baby blue colour and it looked really cute, Harry didn't like it that much but I always get my way because he cant say no to me.


Its been a month and Jake has been a little rat bag. He always cries and we barley get any sleep. Darcy begged us to let her stay at my mums house, she couldn't stand the crying because this little boy has a very loud scream.

But now he's calmed down and we are slowly getting him into a good sleeping pattern which is good. He is basically a mini Harry. The beautiful green eyes, the nose and the lips and he also has brown hair. I just hope when he grows up he wont be a bad guy. If he does I'll make sure Harry has a good talk to him. I don't want him to end up the way Harry used to be.

Talking about Harry. He recently got a new tattoo but of Darcy and Jakes names on both his wrists and it's the best tattoo he has so far. I also got a tattoo which was pretty crazy. It's of Darcy and Jakes names on my arm too. And yes I was like a baby getting the tattoos, I cried the whole time.

I walked down the stairs to find Darcy sitting on the couch with Jake on her lap while he feeds him a bottle of milk while Harry is helping her and telling her what to do. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen so I quickly took a picture. I went over and sat next to Harry while resting my head on his shoulder.

Darcy looked at us and smiles "Look im doing it! I told you I could do this dad" She laughed while poking her tongue out at him. She loved her little brother so much.

I looked at the time on my watch "Darcy quickly we need to get you to school" I said while walking into the kitchen and grabbing her lunch and putting it into her school bag that was too big for her.

Harry took Jake from Darcy while she quickly put her shoes on and tied them up and kissing Harry's cheek then softly kissing Jake's forhead "Bye Daddy but Jakey!" She said while following me to the car. Today Harry was staying home with Jake.

When I pulled out of the driveway Darcy looked nervous. "Honey whats wrong?"

She looked at me "I like this boy at school mummy, his name is Nate but im too shy to talk to him".

I smiled while looking at her, Darcy has a crush on one of the boys at her school "Aw why don't you just talk to him".

She sighed while playing with her hair "I try but I get scared".

After dropping Darcy off at school then going back home. I saw Harry laying on the couch while watching tv so I snuck up behind him and jumped on the couch next to him while seeing him jump. HAH! I scared Harry.

He laughed while shaking his head. "I scared you!" I said while smiling proudly. It's a nice feeling to scare Harry because he still scares me all the time.

"Ow shut up" he laughed while putting his arm around my waist and pulling me onto his lap and kissing me softly. I blushed like crazy. He always has that effect on me. I just love him like crazy.

"Oh guess what I found out today Harry" I smiled while looking at him.

His eyes widened "Oh Alex please don't tell me your pregnant again. Two kids is enough to handle. I thought you were on the pill..." Harry said while rambling off like a crazy person but I cut him off.

"No Harry it's fine I'm not pregnant again" I laughed while seeing Harry sigh in relief "But Darcy has a crush on a boy at school" I smiled. It was adorable that she had come to me to talk about that boy.

His eyes widened "No! I don't think so. My little girl is too young to like boys. She's 5 and no I don't approve". I laughed seeing Harry going into protective mode over his little girl liking a boy, it was the cutest.

"I love you Alex" Harry said while smiling at me.

I couldn't help but have the biggest smile in the world "I love you too Harry".

Edited on the 5th of January 2019 :)

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