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Wow the story is over! Here is the Epilogue I promised to write. Enjoy :)


** 10 YEAR LATER **
"Mum! Jake is being an annoying ass and took my make up and ran off with it!" Darcy screamed from upstairs.

Darcy is now 15 years old and Jake is 10. Jake loves annoying Darcy, it is funny to watch sometimes. We bought a new house a couple of years ago that is 2 stories high. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a pool and it was such a beautiful house and picking it together was amazing.

I sighed loudly while walking upstairs into Jakes bedroom "Jake come on just give Darcy her make up back. I don't want there to be any fighting today". They were both now at that age where they fight a lot and Darcy gets very moody a lot.

Jake sighed while handing the make up to me "But mum, her face is so funny when she's angry. It goes all red" He said while laughing.

I shook my head and went back into Darcy's room and handed it back to her and then walking back downstairs and making breakfast. Harry walks in through the door all sweaty and puts his bag on the ground. With Harry being a boxing teacher he goes to work at all hours of the day. Its good because he teaches Jake and Darcy so if anything happens they can defend themselves.

"That smells really good babe" Harry said while kissing me on the cheek.

Darcy walks in the room while smiling "Guess what! Guess what!"

I looked at her "What?". I was kind of nervous, what is she getting excited about?

She smiled "Nate asked me out on a date" She said while smiling widely. Yes I sure remember that day she told me she had a crush on him, she never spoke to him because she was to shy but instead he was the one that came up to her and started talking. They became friends for a long time and became really close then at the start of this year he told her that he had the biggest crush on her since he was 5 and then they started dating.

Harry didn't like it. Because he hates guys being anywhere near his daughter but he's slowly starting to like Nate which is good. Nate always comes over to our house, he is a truly nice boy.

As for Jake well he's only 10. And Darcy always tells me what he's upto at school. I just hope he doesn't end up in the wrong crowd in school.

Tonight Darcy is staying over at Nates and im kind of nervous about it. I don't want her to end up being 15 and pregnant. She told me herself that theres no need to worry about her and Nate doing anything like that, not until they are older which is when I will make her go in the pill.

"Remember Darcy what I told you before, if he doesn't treat you right you call us straight away and we will be there". Harry said while looking at Darcy.

"Dad! I hardly doubt he would do anything like that" Darcy said while putting her face into the pillow.

Jake was sitting next to me while laughing. Then Darcy looked at him "Jake! Shut up and don't laugh. You'll never get a girlfriend anyway!" She said angrily.

Jake crossed his arms "Shut the fuck up Darcy! Quit teasing me about that" Jake yelled while walking out of the room angrily.

I looked over at Darcy and she was shocked, I was too. I had never heard him swear before. I looked over at Harry and Harry shrugs "He gets the bad language from me".

Darcy's P.O.V:
I felt bad for saying that to Jake, I'm always so mean to him, I don't mean it I'm just saying it in a joking way". I quickly got off the couch and walked upto Jake's room and knocked on his door.

"Come in. But if it's Darcy die in hell" I heard Jake say in an angry voice.

I sighed but went in anyway "Jakey im sorry" I felt really bad for talking to him the way I did.

He didn't look at me and kept his eyes glued to his phone "No your not Darcy. Because if you were you wouldn't have said that".

I sighed and walked over to his bed and sat on it next to him "Im sorry I keep saying mean things to you Jakey, I really didn't mean it"

He smiled a little, he always does when I call him Jakey "I'm just over reacting, Okay I forgive you Darc".

I smiled. Jakey and I have this love hate relationship. Some days we get along so good and then theres days we have these little fights and just forgive eachother a couple hours later.

I smiled and hugged him "You're the best brother"

He laughed "Get off me Darc, your squishing me"

I smiled and pulled away from the hug "I love you Jakey" I said while pinching his cheeks knowing that it will definatly annoy him.

He groaned loudly and laughed "Just cause I have chubby cheeks Darcy doesn't mean your allowed to pinch them" He said while smiling.

Harry's P.O.V:
I walked into the bedroom and saw Alex laying there watching tv. I smiled and jumped onto the bed next to her and kissed her cheek "I love you so so much Alex"

She smiled and blushed. Everytime I say that she always blushes and it's the cutest thing. As the years have gone on our relationship has just gotten stronger and stronger.

"I love you too Harry, you have no idea how much" She smiled while resting her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer "We've had a lot of fights in our past and I was such an ass to you. But I'm so lucky to still be with you Alex. And we have to amazing kids even though there are a pain in the ass sometimes" I laughed while kissing her softly.

She smiled while looking up at me "Yes you were an ass sometimes Harry but not everybodys perfect" She smiled and I couldn't help but smile. She changed me, and if I wouldn't have met her I would have probably been dead by now because of the gang work. But im happy I quit that and stayed with Alex.

Edited on the 5th of January 2019 :)

Wow thanks for everyone that has read this story! Means so much to me xx. :)

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