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I remember the first day I hit a bullseye. I was twelve and Edmund had been sixteen, still a fresh face in the army. I had not yet been drafted, still two years away from the required age, but Edmund had made it his personal mission to ensure that his younger sister was the best at everything I could possibly do as a soldier before I was even being considered for fighting.
We were training in the orchard, away from the other soldiers as Edmund didn't want any of the others thinking they could do the same thing with their family members. It was late in the summer but even so, unusually hot, and sweat sparkled on my forehead as I pulled the bowstring back. I was tired and frustrated, the sight of my previous attempts littering the ground around the painted tree I was supposed to have hit by now. Even Edmund was losing his patience.

"Don't aim for too long. You will tire and lose focus," he reminded me as I bit my lip and closed one eye.

My muscles protested as I released the string, snapping back into place with a small thwap. I didn't even register that I had hit the target until Edmund let out a whoop and punched me in the arm. I looked up at the tree, lowering my bow and let a grin spread across my face.

That afternoon, dripping with sweat and smelling of grass, Edmund and I raced into the palace to tell our Grandfather of my achievement. I was reluctant, sure the King would not care for a single bullseye on a standing target but the smile that lit his eyes when we told him surprised me.

"Well I am sure this falls for a celebration," he had said, rising from his throne. "Please postpone all my meetings until tomorrow," he had told the steward beside him and then lead Edmund and me from the throne room. We spent a lovely evening in one of the gardens, drinking tea under the summer stars. That is the only time I remember feeling that my Grandfather felt anything for Edmund and I, until now.

He accompanies back to the castle and I almost don't want to meet with Edmund as I attempt to make this feeling last.

"I must meet with Edmund now, Grandfather," I halt at the door to the throne room.

My Grandfather only nods, his pale blue eyes betraying no emotion as they look over my face. "Work hard,"

I nod, then bow, rather than curtesy. A traditional soldier response to their commander. When I turn the corner at the end of the hall, my Grandfather is gone, replaced by the King once more.

I move quickly to the training grounds, aware of the late hour. I may be the Princess, but punctuality is still expected highly of me as a soldier. Being the princess has its benefits, though, as Edmund only grants me a stern look when I hurry onto the roof.

Some sort of demonstration appears to be happening as all soldiers are crowded around something or someone. I push through the crowd and stand beside Edmund at the front. He keeps his gaze trained on the two women grappling on the cobblestone, sweat staining both of their shirts.

"What kept you?"

"The King and I- he wanted to... give me something," I finish, slightly reluctant to reveal the truth. This was my special moment with our Grandfather.

"He should know better than to keep you so long," Edmund mutters, his dislike for the man showing clearly in his stern expression. "What was the cause of your civility with him this morning?"

"Jealous?" I tease, but his look silences my taunts. "I agreed to the tour," I sigh.

"What?" His raises time turns the heads of the soldiers and the two women wrestling, I recognise the older one of them to be Erica, the best hand-to-hand combat soldier we have, cease their fight. Edmund closes his mouth and goes a pale shade of red underneath his freckles. "Good fight, Erica, Carla. The rest of you, split into pairs and proceed to practise the moves these two women have just shown you. Erica, please oversee their training for a moment," Erica nods and Edmund turns back to me. "Come with me," he pulls me roughly away from the dispersing crowd over to the empty archery range. "Explain,".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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