The tears I shedded like the rain, had knowledge of the exact reason; it knew the secret, but couldn't tell me, leaving my mind clueless.

It was like my soul knew, and it weeped so much its tear's materialised, but my physical form was left in the dark. It didn't know what caused my body to react that way.

Then I remembered I'd seen this moment  happen for another.

For my mother, when Jimin smashed something to save me, I saw something that wasn't physical. Almost like her soul got stabbed, and the most valuable thing in her eyes got stolen away.

It's the same moment. Like mother like son.

The object in my mind couldn't handle its impact with the floor, and what I valued dearly shattered into pieces.

I remember. The immense pain I felt; the tragic sobs that I couldn't control,

that day 2 Months ago,

When I heard a car screech as I called his name.



That was my official status at the time.

I stayed in that house; alone, waiting for his return.

Like a pet looking out the window each and every day, waiting for its owner to come back.

That was me. Just waiting.

Day after day usually passing in silence, no movement except my own in that cabin.

I had no one.

But that was okay.

I thought, once he returned, I would gain my companion again, so I was fine being alone, because he would come back to me.

I convinced myself it'll be worth it in the end.

But there was an emotion I still couldn't fully control. One I couldn't easily persuade. There was days that the feeling would soak into the core of my bones, screwing with my brain to try and mess with me.

It was loneliness, and it felt like poison to me.

Slowly, it was killing me.

My mind would go to dark places; despair luring me deeper in.

But my antidote was always his messages that were left; dust never having a chance to collect on top because I would constantly check them.

So observantly I would study them; how much pressure he put on the pencil, every curve in every letter, the meaning behind each word carefully analysed.

Then my heart would swell as "I love you" greeted me at the end of every letter, and a hopeful feeling would get me through the day.

There were times though, when his words weren't enough to satisfy me.

I'd remember certain days of the past unintentionally; remember how his voice turned husky, recall his touch all over my body, and bask in the chill his gaze once gave me.

That One Summer 《 Vmin 》Where stories live. Discover now