I groaned out in frustration as my head snapped back, my eyes looking up into the metal, reflective ceiling.

The neon lights and wide eyed kids flooding my vision within an instant.

"I really don't. And I don't know how to talk to boys either," my own eyes looking down at me from that mirrored ceiling hopelessly.

"Well, you're sexy, so that makes up for it," she said as she gestured to what she considered "sexy."

As if.

"I'm the farthest thing from sexy. How can you be sexy if you don't even know how to shoot out a verbal sentence?"

"Ah, I'll never forget the first words you said to Topher. Yeah hi, can you put butter on me-E, I MEAN MY POPCORN!" her voice a mocking tone, and my face turning into a shade of maraschino cherry.

"I hate you so fucking much, Summer Thompson."

"No you don't."

Of course I didn't.

No one hated Summer.

"Well, I'll tell you what smooth talker. I'm hanging out with Eric and one of my friends at the fair tonight and I think it would be a perfect opportunity for you to work on your so called "verbal skills," she said as she hopped off the counter, her sticky fingers ruffling my hair with excited eyes. "And who knows, maybe you'll even meet your little gay soulmate!"

She was funny.

"Ha, don't make me laugh darling."

I wouldn't be caught dead at the fair.

Much less with a boy.

The Fair.

The carnival they set up every year to be the kick off of what was to be a brand new summer.

It was this town's way of getting us all together, putting us in one single place......

Whether it was for the day, the sun shining down on the washed out yellow/red colors that decorated the Ferris wheel......

Or the night, when the moon and the stars lit up those bumper cars, and everything else that desired to light up the world.

It was enlightening for all these beach town kids.

With the wavy hair and the perfect skin, their faces constantly occupied with what this town had to offer......

But that was the last thing I wanted to do.

Because I was far from occupied.

"Summer, I do not want to hang out with the people I've spent four years with unless it's mandatory. And even then, that's skating on thin ice for me," I said as I walked over to PacMan and slid in a token.

It was true that I had no verbal skills, but that didn't mean I couldn't throw it down on PacMan.

"You don't know the chick genius. And you love Eric!" she said, watching me intently.

Look At Me When I Look At You ⚣ VicturiWhere stories live. Discover now