Chapter 2

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Naruto walked out of his house. He thought he looked okay, he had showered and he put on a dress shirt for good measure. I hope I look okay! I mean it's my first date ever and probably Hinata's too! He wanted to look good but, he did not know what Hinata expected.

Hinata put the finishing touches on her hair and ran down stairs and sat on the couch to wait for Naruto.  She was wearing red high low dress and black flats. Her sister had braided her hair for her. Hinata was nervous and, could not believe Naruto had asked her out for a date!

The next thing Hinata knew Naruto was at the door and, her dad was mumbling horrible, unrepeatable things about him. Hinata ran to the door and slammed it shut as fast as she could. As she did not want Naruto to hear her dad.

Once Naruto and Hinata got to Ichiraku Ramen, Hinata was already blushing. Mostly because, Shikamaru and Temari were there to and Shikamaru was taking advantage of his girlfriend being in town. And Hinata didn't want to embarrass Naruto.

"Hey, Naruto" Shikamaru said as Naruto sat down next to him. Then he leaned and whispered, "I knew you two were going to go out eventually!"

Naruto turned beet red and almost yelled, "NO, NO, NO, Shikamaru it's not like that!" After he had said that he felt kind of bad for Hinata, she always seemed so lonely. As Temari giggled Naruto faced Hinata and  said "So what are you getting?" He really didn't know what to say, he wanted to ask why she was crying earlier, but didn't want to make her nervous.

Hinata looked at him but, immediately looked away. ", what are you getting?" She asked. She didn't want to order something expensive and clean out his wallet.

"What I always get! A LARGE RAMEN WITH EXTRA PORK!" He said happily. It was what he always got. Almost always anyway.

"Oh then I guess..I'll get a medium.." Hinata said. She could eat more than that but, did not want to look like a glutton.

When the ramen got there Naruto finished his in no time flat, but Hinata ate hers slowly and enjoyed it.

After Naruto paid he said, "Hey, Hinata! I want to show you something!" There was a wonderful place he had found when he was about Konahamaru's age. He grabbed her arm right above the wrist and took off running. Hinata almost passed out twice.

"Naruto! Where are we going?!!?" Hinata asked. Hinata knew all her blood had rushed to her head, she could feel it.

But, just then Naruto responded with "Here! Look up!" Naruto flopped down on the ground as he let go of Hinata. The stars were beautiful, and sparkling. Where they were was the perfect spot to see them. Hinata flopped down next to Naruto and gasped at how clear the sky was.

will write more!!!

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