Chapter 16

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Naruto slowly walked home and, held in his hand the jacket she'd left behind in the grass. He ran his hands over the soft worn out fabric. It reminded him of the soft smile she used to give him....what had he done to ruin this.  He walked inside his house and, laid down on his bed, snuggling up to the sweet smelling fabric.   'I...I didn't mean it, Hinata...I do love you' he whispered into the jacket, suddenly remembering what he had told her when they began dating.  "I'll give you a ring." that's what he had told her.

Hinata sighed, sitting on her daybed. Why had she yelled at him. She was angry he hadn't said he loved her yet but, she didn't have any right to yell at him and run off like she left her jacket behind, it had flown off when she ran away from her love. She got p and decided to go find him.

                                 ~when she gets to his apartment~

Hinata lightly tapped on the door and received no reply so, she knocked louder "Naruto, it's me....please forgive me...I..I didn't..mean to hurt you like that.." She sighed and, sat down against the door when she \again received no reply.

                       ~2 hours later~

Hinata stood up getting ready to leave as Naruto walked up to reenter the house. Hinata let out a small gasp "'t there?" he blushed softly and shook his head

Hinata cocked her head as he reached into his pocket and got on one knee. Naruto took a deep breath and opened the box that contained a shiny new diamond ring.

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