The Black Dog

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The room is crumbling around me. Small fragments of debris litter the floor making it hard to move. The snarls and growls coming from outside scare me, so I dare not move. Writing this is my only escape from the wreck outside those walls. The scratching and ripping from outside seems to intensify with every passing minuet, making my ears ring. I crawl into a ball as I feel safer this way. The doors bag loudly as it try's to get in. This is bad. If it gets in it will destroy everything, it will destroy me. The noise becomes unbearable and I clutch my ears trying to block it out, but anything I do doesn't effect the intensity of it. The doors give one last bang and the noise is gone. To afraid to open my eyes I sit in the fetal position with my ears ringing. When I finally build up enough courage to open my eyes, they are met with a big black dog. Unable to move from fear I take in the site of the enormous dog, it seems so familiar yet distant and strange. My eyes meet its shifty, and hollow ones, and I am engulfed in darkness.
I can't see where I am. It's cold and my chest is tight. I take short quick breaths as I try to streaks from my crouched position, but have no success. It feels as if there is a second skin sticking to my whole body like damp linen, stretching and shrinking with me. I feel alone. With every attempt to escape I become weaker and lonelier. I feel as small as I could be, with no hope left in me I give into the darkness as this feeling is all to familiar to me.
It's been like this for a long time, since I was young. Although the black dog wasn't as big as it is now. It use to be the size of a mouse, now it's the size of a horse. It just continues to grow, even when you think it's as big as it can get it just proves you wrong. Although the black dog is big and scary, somehow, I find comfort in it.

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