•Chapter 6•

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When Chara's lips were removed from yours, you quickly covered your red face with your sweater sleeves.

Chara did the same, but was not internationally, but physically screaming into her sleeves. "I cant believe I just did that!!!" They complained.

Frisk was trying desperately to not laugh, but it got the best of them and they started laughing hard. They laid on the floor, giggling and laughing uncontrollably.

After their laughing fit, Frisk scooted between you and Chara. "It's okey guys!" They said, reassuringly. "It was just a small kiss!"

You hesitantly removed our face from your sleeves. "Yeah...you're right..."

It took quite a few minutes for things to get back to normal, but it eventually did. Chara was back to throwing their knives on the wall and you were now sitting on Frisk's bed fidgeting with one of their stuffed animals.

Chara got up from the floor, still holding a toy knife and walked towards the door. "Welp, I'm going outside with Asriel." They stated. Before leaving, they added, "by the way, new girl, you're not that bad a kisser~" then winked at you.

You looked away, but felt your face get a little warm.

Once Chara left, Frisk jumped beside you onto the bed. "Sorry about Chara...they're always like this."

You shrugged. "It's fine, really..."

"Buuut..." Frisk started. "I've never seen them so into someone other than me and Asriel...not in like, a dating way, but just in general..." Frisk thought out loud, outing their hand on their chin. "Let alone someone they just met."

You tilted your head a little, questioningly, but said nothing.

You just hoped you wouldn't develop a crush on them because of this...incident....and vise versa...

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