•Chapter 5•

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"(Y/n)" Chara said. "I dare you to..." they picked up one of their toy knives. "I dare you to throw this at me"

You looked down at the knife, then at Chara. You raised an eyebrow. "Is that really a good idea...?" You asked.

Chara chuckled. "Aw, come on, new girl! It's perfectly safe!" They tapped the tip of the knife with their finger. "See? Toys!"

You hesitantly took the knife from Chara and glanced at Frisk. They just shrugged.

You slowly aimed the knife at Chara, then gently swung it at them. The knife went towards their torso, seemingly hitting them in the stomach. You closed your eyes, ready for a scream of pain, but it never happened. You opened one of your eyes to see Chara holding the knife with their two for-fingers, smirking. You noticed their eyes were now a deep shade of red.

"Missed!" Chara said, triumphantly. "Try again!"

You once again took the knife from Chara and aimed it at them, throwing it again. This time, your eyes were open the whole time.

They almost impossibly caught the knife once again. Their arm moved so fast that you couldn't see anything but a blur.

Frisk sighed, annoyed. "Don't even try, (y/n)" they told you. "Chara did the same to me. They'll always catch it! Who's next?"

You each did about six dares/truths, except for you. You were on your sixth right now.

Of course, Chara was your questioner. "Alrighty, new girl. Let's make this one count!" They said, putting their finger on their chin, thinking.

"I've got it. I dare you to kiss one of us!"

You and Frisk both let out a "WHAT!?" At the same time.

Chara laughed maniacally. "Whaaat?" They questioned, innocently. "I wanted something embarrassing, and what can be more embarrassing than that?"

"Chara, that's too far..." Frisk said. "She's only just met us."

Chara shrugged. "I dare, you do."

You looked at them both, nervously. You didn't know either of them enough to make this kind of decision! This was such a stupid dare!

Chara noticed your struggled expression. "Alright, Frisk. Rock Paper Scissors. Whoever looses kisses the new girl."

Frisk groaned. "Fine..."

"Rock, paper, scissors!" They both said, knocking their hands together. Chara chose paper and Frisk chose rock.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" They both said, again. Chara now chose rock and Frisk chose paper.

"Last one!" Chara pointed out.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" They once again said. Chara chose scissors and Frisk chose rock.

"Aha!" Frisk said, triumphantly. "Rock beats scissors!"

Chara gulped, nervously. They had expected to win! They turned to you, but looked away. "Okey...maybe you don't have to do the dare..."

Frisk shook her head. "Oh no no no! You lost fair and square! You're gonna do it!" They turned to you and scratched their head. "I mean...if (y/n)'s okey with it, of course."

You shrugged nervously. "I-I don't know...???" You questioned out loud. Sure, it wouldn't be that bad, but still! This whole situation was just so sudden!

You then felt a pair of arms wrap around you. They were Chara's. "I dare, you do." They repeated.

Your face was now getting warm and red, but you hadn't noticed. You then felt a pair of lips touch yours for a few seconds, then they were gone...

Rona, here!
Oof I'm running out of pre-written chapters

Any suggestions as to what else could happen in this story? :3

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