Chapter One: Destruction

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Blessed are the curious, for they will always have an adventure.


None of us really understood how or why it happened. Our world had already been in a state of chaos from the lower class riots and the Elite's attempts to withhold things to retain power. At least, that is how I have come to remember the history leading to the destruction of my kind. The day an enemy we did not know existed rained down from the skies with beaming lights and screeching ships. I did not know who or what they were at the time, but after having the time to look into the history that was kept from us, I came to know and understand them as species known as Wraith.

I was 18 years old when they came, 3 years into medical school and as eager as I could be. My partner and I were at the top, with so much ahead of us. Until the day came. They came in hoards and in numbers no one had ever seen before, the dark purple covered pointed ships falling down to our cities in waves, destroying everything and anything in their path. Sure my people were advanced enough for flying cars, hover planes, and some advanced weaponry; but we were not prepared for war. There had never been war in our history. The large cities that this planet consisted of were close and of the same. My peaceful people never stood a chance. As pass by pass, they crushed our cities and its people killed or taken in the strange beams of light.

We did the only thing we thought could save us. Fled, from the innermost of the cities and into the slums of the outskirts. Castiel and I both knew what we had to do. We had to jump the wall. Jumping the wall that kept the city from the outside world was something punishable by death, but at that point in time, it was to jump or die anyway. Castiel and I were not alone as we made our jump, many others were scrambling and falling over the edge as the ships screamed overhead. We were running the instant our feet touched the damp soil. Something I had rarely known before as the trees engulfed us into their protection. That did not cause us to stop like many others did. We kept running, moving, and looking over our shoulders for a day and a half before we were too exhausted to go any farther. The sounds of the ships never stopped as we ran, the siege was constant. Finding a somewhat safe feeling place was enough for us both. Hidden away under a fallen tree we hid, for what ended up seeming like weeks.

In reality, it only lasted about four days, but they were the longest four days I had ever experienced. Even once the ships left, we were nervous to even return to the city. But we made our way back, not once seeing anyone other than the wildlife that called Loonrian home. The city was in shambles, but at least there we met a few survivors. Not many, and they were hell-bent on getting to the capital city. Cas and I were both in agreement on not going there, not in case the ships returned. We simply felt safer on our own, as we had both been for most our lives.

So we survived. Making due with the shambles of our city. From the rubble, we did rise and stayed alive. For the past ten years, Castiel and I have lived alone. Making the shards of our once beautiful city into a safe place to live. We would occasionally travel to the capitol where we would try and trade for supplies. However, the population there was even starting to dwindle as disease spread, and we had not returned in three years. Opting to go beyond the wall for food and other resources it had a much safer feel than the larger cities.

The Wraith had taken everything I had ever known from me, besides Castiel anyway. He has been by my side since I was two years old. I will say, that if I had lost him I would not have survived. That is something I would rather not think about in all honesty. I am here, and alive in spite of them. In spite of these aliens that destroyed my home and all, I held at value. Life alone has humbled us, and given us new skills that we would never have learned if our city still stood as it had. We are content to live out our years here, while deep down we hope maybe there will someday be a way to leave. Till that day comes, we are alive, breathing, and thriving.  

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