Disclaimers and Stuff

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Almost all of these characters are created by the awesome author Rick Riordan.
I do not own any characters except for Rina, the people from the orphanage and a few more characters who I might add into this story later.

This is the first story I've ever written here on Wattpad so please don't hate me if it's horrible or if you don't like it. Feel free to comment and give me feedbacks on how I can improve.🤗

I planned most of this story with my best friend, Iroas_Omega, who is a great writer!She also helped me with editing the story and making this book's cover for me. Her books are really funny and interesting.
If you want to read her books, I would recommend "The Stolen Warrior" from the "The Seventh Age" series. It's a Heroes of Olympus fanfic about the heroes' kids.

It's a great book and the only bad thing about it(to me) is that it's not finished yet! I am really excited and can't wait to read about what happens next. I'm sure that there are quite a lot of readers who are waiting for it too!

Also, I'll try to update this book as regularly as I can, which is like every two or three weeks if I'm not busy. Sometimes, I'd need quite a lot of time to think about what to write in the next part, and then I might come up with too many ideas and have to compare them and decide on which one to use or how to combine these ideas.

But if I haven't update the book after quite some time, don't worry, I'll make sure I would update as soon and as much as I can. I'm probably just too busy with school or something. I don't know how long it would take but I'll try not to make you guys wait for too long, unlike someone I know, *cough* Iroas_Omega *cough*😅😜.

Lastly, thank you all for reading my book and I hope you'll enjoy reading it. Again, since this is my first book, I would really appreciate it if you guys continue reading it until the end and give me feedbacks and how I can improve on writing, especially on grammar because I totally suck at it. Please vote if you like the chapters too!

I think that's about it for this part... Bye!
"Our choices can alter the details. That's how we rebel against destiny." ~ Loki in Magnus Chase And The Sword Of Summer

(A/N: Thank you all so much for reading my book by the way. It means a lot to me ;) )

{Rebelling Against Destiny} -A Magnus Chase FanficWhere stories live. Discover now