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Your POV
Me and Squip has been staying at Michaels house for a few days. We haven't heard from my dad ever since, I wonder what he's doing now. "You don't need to worry about him, Y/n. He's gone now. For now.." Squip says, putting his arm around me. I sigh and lean on his shoulder. "Hey I'm just gonna go to the shop and buy some stuff. Is that okay? I won't be long" Michael says stood in the doorway. "Yeah that's fine" I say flashing a smile. Michael then leaves the house so me and Squip turn on Netflix and chill. It was kinda awkward between us because of what had happened between us when we almost had sex high as fuck, but hey, shit happens. "Y/n?" Squip asks. "Yeah?" I say. "So y'know that you can't exactly go back to your home anymore, well do you wanna run away?"
"Well, I meant like we could run away together and live on our own and start again. We could form a family" My heart jolted when he said the last line 'we could form a family'. I wasn't ready for a proper family yet, but.. it would be nice to live with Squip. "I-I don't know.. I've still got my friends here and I don't think I'm ready for a family.." I say, rubbing my arm. "Oh, yeah I understand. Well we could just get a house near your school so then you could still be around your friends" He says standing up. "But what about all of my stuff? How will we pay for the rent? I don't have any furniture. I couldn't cope having my own house and taking responsibilities" I say looking a Squip worriedly. He takes my hand and pulls me up "We'll go and get your stuff, then I'll sort out about getting a house. Don't worry, I've got it all covered" He says with an assured look on his face. "But what if my dad is home?"
"He won't be"
"How do you know?"
"I just do. Now c'mon before he does get back" He runs out the house holding me hand and we make our way to my house.

When we got there all we could here was Coco whining. I opened the door to see wine bottles smashed up on the floor and... vomit. Well that's gross. "Coco?" I call out. She then comes trotting down the stairs and gets all excited when she sees me. "Aww you're okay!" I smooch her face and fuss her. I can practically feel Squip rolling his eyes from behind me. "So.. where shall we start?" I say, looking at Squip. "Grab a suitcase and collect all your important things and your possessions. We don't wanna leave anything if we're gonna move house. I nod and head to my room. I notice a note on my bedroom door saying 'Fucking bitch, I hope you die -Dad'. I felt my eyes getting watery but I didn't cry. I rip the note off and scrunch it up into a ball and throw it away. Squip rubs my back and whispers "It's okay".

After a few hours of packing all of my things, we leave the house. Squip as one suitcase and I have another. Coco is walking by my side as she doesn't need a leash since she's very obedient. I look back at the house and sigh. I remember all the good memories I've had in that house and now it's gone. "We'll make new memories in our new house, don't worry about it" Squip says and smiles. I smile back. After walking for a while, I wonder where we are actually going. So I ask Squip "Where are we going exactly?" He chuckles slightly. "There's a house by a nice lake and some blossom trees which is for sale. It's only 5 minutes away from your school and the local shop so this is perfect for us" I was kinda shocked that he actually managed to find a house this quick. "Have you paid for it?" I ask. He nods. "How?" I ask again. He smirks "Magic" I roll my eyes and punch his arm playfully. "Very funny. But how did you manage to buy the house? We have no money" I ask and raise and eyebrow. "I'm a supercomputer and can basically do anything"
"Don't get ahead of yourself big boy"
"Well.. most thinks"
We have a laugh but then I suddenly realise something. "Shit, Michael!" I whip out my phone from my back pocket and see several missed calls from Michael and a few texts.
'I just got back, where are you?'
'It's been a while now and you haven't came back. Seriously where are you??'
'Why aren't you answering my calls??? Is everything okay??'
I quickly give Michael a ring. After a while he finally answers "OMG Y/N! Are you okay? Where are you? You've not been answering my calls or texts! Are you hurt? Did that Squip-"
"Michael Michael, I'm fine. My phone was just on silent. I forgot to tell you I'm sorry"
"I-it's fine, I just got really worried because you and Squip was gone when I came back. Where are you two anyway?"
"We went back to my house to pack all of my things and now we're moving into a house together"
"Oh? How did you afford a house?"
"Squip sorted it"
"Are you sure you should be moving into a house with.. him? I mean, he could turn at any moment. I know what Squip's are like"
Squip gulps and starts to act really uncomfortable but carried on walking.
"Don't be stupid, he wouldn't do anything to me. We love each other"
"Sorry sorry, I'm only playing ehehe. I'll let you get off anyway, I just wanted to know if you was safe"
"Okay, Bye Michael!"
"See ya y/n"
I end the call and look at Squip. He looks kinda anxious. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Oh, ahem, yeah I'm fine" He says without looking at me. "Hmph. Okay" I say.

After a bit of walking we finally reach the house. I gaze in amazement. The house looks just like my childhood dream house. "Wow you really put a lot of effort into this" I say, smiling at Squip. He smiles back. "Well I want us to have a good future and for us to be happy" He leads me into the house and it's already furnished. I take a detour around the house and start to unpack.

Maybe this could be the start of something new

Squip's POV

"Now you're moving in with her?? Honestly what the fuck is wrong with you" He growls in my face. "I want her to be happy. I was US to be happy" I say standing my grounds. He clenches his fist tighter. "Haven't you been listening to a word I have said?! The party is in a few days. Time is ticking"
"I know.. I know... but like I said, just give me time" I say stepping closer. "We don't have all the fucking time in the world 088726. I've already given you enough time as it is"
"Don't call me by my code number..." I growl. "Oh, what? 088726? Aw, well I'm not gonna call you 'Squipy' or 'Babe' like that bitch does" I grab his throat and pin him up to the wall. "Don't call her a bitch again or I'll rip your fucking circuits out" He chuckles deeply and grips onto my arm only making me grip tighter. "You wouldn't do that to me now, would you? If you did, you'd be useless" He smirks. I start to lose my temper even more. He then suddenly lifts up his leg and kicks me in the stomach, causing me to collapse to the ground in pain. "If you're too much of a pussy to kill a small girl, I'll do it"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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