It's a harder way

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""All this- all of it could have been different- Jeremy, Jenna would still be alive, and Klaus wouldn't be able to become a hybrid!"- 

"I am sorry"- he said- " Elena"- he wanted to ease her pain a little. 

Her eyes were full of frustration and tears now just burst out, rolling down her face. He didn't expect this kind of reaction- but it was a very natural reaction to all that had occurred. The realization that if destiny had played its cards differently, the witch would have been there to help her against all that came her way in the last two years. She stood in the room like a lost hind and without too much hesitation he simply walked over to her and embraced her. She needed the embrace, although maybe she would push him away, but she buried her head in his shoulder and clenched onto him as if some of her heartache could pour into him and she would be released of so much pain that overwhelmed her. 

"I set the fire.... I killed him..."- she uttered through her sobs. 

"No, you didn't Elena, it was not your fault...none of it is your fault"- he stroke her head gently. Her heart beat so fast, he thought it would jump right out of her. 





Realizing that he held, she slowly moved from his embrace- now collecting herself. He let go and stepped back- without a word she walked out of the room leaving him with all his feelings now jumbled up more than ever before. 


Elena walked the streets of the city she didn't know, but that was the least of her problems. She needed to be by herself. The world and all that had happened seemed to be so far away like years had been passed in only few hours. She looked at the world with new eyes. The bustling streets full of people were a welcoming distraction. All the colours were brighter and sounds more vivacious- and she felt like whatever is to come she will stand firm and stand her ground. Wondering without any particular goal, she ended up on the beach. She didn't care who was close to her or not- she sat down and watched the vast blue that was stretching in front of her. She felt free and gladness filled her whole being. 

At the house Elijah sat down at his desk in his study, he took a small booklet out and started writing. 

Alicia knocked at the door of his study, and he invited her in. 

"You have this house on disposal as long as you and Elena need it."-he said. 

"I thank you. I see that you do care for her - and far more than you are letting - and she will need you- she has the instinct for survival like all beings do- she will not falter... she didn't crumble then... she sought comfort and assistance- looking forward to new things and challenges- Elena is a fighter- and now she has the possibility to have a family of her own - love - something no one escapes from- "- she gave him a look -"I will be back tomorrow " 

He just nodded. As she walked out of the room, he sat down- and continued writing. All that she said he took in consideration, nevertheless. 


Her hunter's instincts started to twirl in her and she tried not to think of them. She was thirsty and hungry- food smelled so good and she realized that her human needs were dictating her life again. She got up and slowly walked back to the house. 

The sun was about to set when she walked back into the house. A as he heard her walk in he appeared in the kitchen where Elena was looking for food in the fridge. 

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