It's always darkest before the dawn

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Caroline informed Matt on the latest about Elena. She wasn't a happy vampire at all. 

"She will miss the prom. Everything is falling apart. Bonnie is obsessed with Silas and her magic- I put so much time into this. Tyler is gone-are you listening to me Matt?" 

"Caroline, I have to get ready for work. I am sure Damon and Stefan will find her. You don't think that Silas did something to Elena?"- the bartender asked.

"Bonnie said that there is no particular reason why- He-it just taunts us too get the Cure, and it doesn't believe that Katherine has got it and that she is not here. Bonnie is so set on killing it, but it is too dangerous- we could lose her, Klaus has even got a witch coming to help her- but I don't trust him- Matt-!? " he was now outside the house ready to get into his car. She followed him. 

"I hear you Caroline, but I have to go - I need to work or otherwise I don't eat" 

"But Tyler left you all his money-"- she couldn't believe that there was something more important than the Silas crisis. 

"It is his money, not mine!"- Matt replied. 

"I will see you later"- she said knowing that there was no arguing with him and swished off.


In New Orleans, Elena was drinking tea in the most beautifully arranged garden at the back of the house she was staying at. After the opulent breakfast she had, she asked Elijah to leave her to herself.  The Original indulged her and retreated to his study. It was time anyway to inform the witch of the outcome of the Cure and update her on Elena. 

As he finished the conversation he put the phone down on the desk. He then looked at the stationary that was sitting neatly there. His mind constantly played up. The words she uttered in Willoughby burnt like acid. It was clear that she wanted to hurt him and make it known that she was disappointed in him.

"And it felt good to watch that letter burn along with Jeremy's body and my old life"

He heard her walk back into the house. He could not bear her silence between them, so he went downstairs to her.  

"Elena- ?"- he said in a mild voice as he found her sitting on the veranda.. 

She looked at him with resentment in her warm brown eyes- 

"This world needs a compassionate soul- and there was no other way to trigger my emotions back?! - she shot at him.

"You are important to the world...much more than you know Elena! but not as a vampire!"- he explained in his calm manner. 

"And so you decided to feed me the Cure?" 

"It was not my decision." - Elijah replied. 

"No"- Alicia interrupted them bluntly stepping to the veranda where they were- "it was mine!" 

Elena's heart stopped a beat when she saw the woman. " I thought- "- her eyes welled up- It was obvious that Elena knew the witch. "Mum and dad said you died!" 

Elijah observed the sudden twist. The witch never told him that there were any connection to Elena. 

"So it was! "- Alicia continued- "Well, I was detoured somewhat shall we say. You now know there are creatures and witches that only selfishly follow their path, the same as most humans. May we go inside?" 

Elijah motioned with his hand that the house is to her disposal. They walked in. 


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