The First Problems in being his Pet

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(Rose's Point of view)

I woke up with an arm around me pulling my body to theirs. All memory comes flooding back to me. I am now a gang leaders pet. I need to call Jake and tell him he's in charge for a month. I can't be Jayden's pet and leader of the other gang. I slip out of his arm and head to the bathroom.

(Jake= J/ Rose= R)

J: Hello? Rose? Are you okay?

R: Of course, I am fine.

J: Okay.... Why are you calling me at 5 am?

R: I need you to be leader for a month please.

J: Can i ask why?

R: No. Just do as I say.

J: Okay okay boss.

R: Thank you. Let everyone know i won't be around for a month I believe.

I look in the mirror and i actually look like i got some sleep. After brushing my teeth with his extra tooth brush and running my hands through my hair, i walk out and get back in bed. It takes him all of 10 seconds before his arm is around me again. I thought for sure i would go crazy being touched, but for some reason i feel safe in his arms. Falling asleep, I turned around and cuddled into his chest.

A few hours later I wake up to Jayden laying on his back, and I'm fully laying on his chest. After a couple minutes I move slightly trying not to wake him up, but he seems already up.

"Oh good your up, do you want pancakes? I made them a little while ago." -Jayden

"Um. yes please." I say confused.... If i'm his maid/ pet thing aren't i suppose to cook him breakfast?

"Okay good. There is more clothes for you in the bathroom. You can have a shower then come eat with the rest of us." -Jayden

"Okay you guys start and i'll be down in a moment."

"No. No one eats until the person they were made for gets to eat so go shower." -Jayden

"Okay..." I say shyly.

I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower. After my shower, i walk out preparing myself for the worst outfit. I mean i am his pet. Doesn't that mean like a slutty outfit or nothing to wear? Right? Actually i walked out to some new undies and bra with a guy t-shirt (I'm guessing was Jayden's because i have seen it on him) and a pair of kinda big for me sweatpants (Also Jayden's i think). I get dressed and head down stairs.....

Sure enough... everyone was at the table waiting for me. Breakfast was sitting there on warmers. Everyone looked at me then at Jayden. They were being tortured with food. That's funny.

"Stop giving me death glares and eat already idiots." -Jayden.

I sit down and go to grab a plate, but Jayden takes it away from me and runs into the kitchen. He comes out with strawberry filled Waffles that have butter, syrup, and whipped creme on top. The plate, also, had a wonderful fruit bowl. Jayden pulls an arm around from his back with a smoothie in his hands.

"Why does she get the good stuff?" Mason whines!

"Because i made all this for her and you guys just devoured it, so shut up Mason." -Jayden

"Thank you so much, Jayden!" I say giving him a hug that surprised myself.

"Your very welcome." -Jayden

After breakfast, Jayden and i went up to his room and we watched movies just laying on his bed. A few moments ago, Jayden got a call, so I paused the movie and waited for him to come back. He came back looking worried.

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