Timothy Arrives

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It has been almost a week. I haven't been to school or seen Jayden sense he had Jess take me home. Jess has been around a lot lately between her and Ray hitting it off and her and i becoming good friends. She has even become really good friends with my girls. She introduced us to her friend Courtney too. Courtney is becoming a good friend of all of ours too. 

Today is Tuesday and i have to go to school so after we can go threaten everyone at the towns college. My brother will be here tomorrow and i need to make it know to this school that he is off limits.

I get dressed in my gang attire, which is leather short shorts, dark purple crop top, leather jacket and a purple stiletto heels. I walk out of my room and down the stairs to see my girls dressed as i am. They have a pep rally today, which the girls and i have decided will be when we speak. Jess and Courtney will be with us too on stage, so it looks like we have support from both gangs in this town.

We are half way through school and let me tell you what. I hate it. I can't stand to be here. If i didn't have to wait for the girls to go to this pep rally, I would have left 20 minutes into it. Both of Jayden's friends have been trying to talk to me all day. Jake is skipping school to be with his new girlfriend, who i haven't even met yet. The only good thing about today is the Interior Designer called to tell me Tim's room was done and the security for the offices was updated.

Finally this day is almost over, We headed over to the college and the pep rally is starting. We listened to all the cheerleaders and football players and the coaches. Lastly the dean was talking and as he was getting ready to finish, Jess walked up and took the mic. We all got on stage.

"Listen here Western College, you will be receiving a new student tomorrow, who goes by Timothy King. He is an important person, so that being said, Anyone and i mean anyone that even so much as looks at my brother wrong will have to answer to the Killing Angels and the Scorpions!" I growl.

"He is starting as a new bee, but he will have all of us protecting him. He is important to all of us including Courtney and I!" Jess spat with venom in her voice knowing that everyone in this town knew that Courtney and Jess were high up in the Scorpions.

"Thank you, have a good day students." Courtney says as we walk out the front door all laughing.

"That was perfect." -Sophia

"It was Epic!!" -Maria

"Everyone will think if they mess with Tim that they are messing with Scorpions and the Angels." -Jess.

"Yes, thank you. I don't want people to know who i am. And i can't let Tim know anything about the gangs. I can't let him get bullied again thou." 

"No problem, Rose." -Courtney

We head home and I go straight for Tim's new bedroom. It's perfect. Just how I asked for it to be built! I head up to my room and put the cream on my cut. It's healing nicely, but if i don't want it to scar i need to put cream on it every day.

*The Next Day*

I pulled out my old girly dress, and put on that red flowing dress.

I pulled out my old girly dress, and put on that red flowing dress

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