Imagine #2, Poe x Reader

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(For FennaB11)

*Your P.O.V*
You finished up fixing the hydrologic system on the x-wing and slid out from under the ship with a sigh, tossed the T-85 wrench into the metal box and wiped your greasy hands on your pants.

"All set" you said mostly to yourself.
"Wow. That was really really fast" a girl you hadn't seen said.
"Um thanks" you said.
"Where'd you learn how to do that so fast" she asked.
"When I was little I used to come over to the hangars and watch the mechanics and pilots fix their x-wings" you said with a laugh.
"If you don't mind me asking....I was wondering why I haven't seen you around here before" the girl asked a little cautiously.
"I don't mind" you said.
"I grew up with the Resistance when I was little but then my parents decided to move to Jackku for reasons I don't understand" you said with a laugh.
"Then about a month ago the first order attacked our village and I was one of the only survivors." You said a little sadly.
"I'm sorry" the girl said sincerely.
"Its fine" you said.
"I got in touch with some friends of mine that work for the Resistance....And here I am now" you finished. Just as you finished a certain pilot walked in with his usual swagger.

"I've got a broken central reactor and I need it fixed fast. He said and you could see it was important.

"Y/n here is one of the fastest mechanics on the base so I think she'll be able to fix it in time" the girl said as you shot her a dirty look which she returned with a sly smile.

Well lucky me" the pilot said with his usual rouge grin and a wink.
"Its over in bay 15 I can bring you over if you want" he said casually, but with a coy grin.
"No thank you I am perfectly capable of walking on my own two legs" you said. When you reached bay 15 you walked over to his distinct x-wing and started repairing the busted central reactor.

"I heard you were a good mechanic" Poe started.
"Mhhmmm" you muttered only half focused on the conversation.
"But I had no idea mechanics were so hot" he joked. You rolled your eyes at his attempt at flirting.
"So wadda ya say? You and me tommorrow night" he asked with his signature grin as he extended his hand.
"Poe" you started.
"It would never and me"you added a little sadly.
"Your one of the most famous guys in the Resistance and you've got girls flocking to you left and right and you're asking a nobody mechanic like me out" you said with a laugh.
"Is this your idea of a joke?!" You asked.
"Your central reactor is all set" you mumbled as you walked out before he could stop you or say anything else. You walked to the cafeteria and sat down beside the girl/mechanic you had talked to earlier. You had started eating when you heard her say.

"Your watching him again". You blushed when you realized that you had been watching Poe.
"Do you know him well" she asked.
"I used to" you responded.
"When we were kids we were really close" I admitted then my head was filled with flashbacks.

It was night and you and Poe were sitting out on the top of one of the hangars.
" I've always wanted to be a pilot" Poe said as he looked at the stars with that fierce determination growing in his eyes.
"I'm sure you will be the bestest pilot out there you whispered."
"What about you y/n?"he asked.
"I don't know" you whispered.
"I know what you're gonna be" Poe said after some thought.
"What?" You asked.
"You, y/n are going to be incredible" he said with a grin that made you smile.

"Why don't you just give him a chance" she offered.
"Did he ask you to say that" you asked suspiciously.
"Mayyyybbbeee" she said.
"Ugh!" You shouted.
"Just give him a chance" she said.
"You're not going to stop until I say yes I assume" you said defeatedly.
"Yep basically" she said.
"You know what FINE! IF EVERYBODY IN THE GODDAMN UNIVERSE WANT ME TO THEN FINE!" You exclaimed. You walked out of the cafeteria to find some peace and quiet in the hangar fixing an w-wing . Instead you found a note from Poe.

You, Me, and the Stars


Sigh. You might as well go. Otherwise you know you'd end up going eventually.....

~~~~~~~Time Skip to the Date~~~~~~~
You walked out onto the rooftop and looked at the stars twinkling above like magic.

"It's been a while y/n" you heard a voice say and turned around to see the one and only Poe Dameron.
"I remember years ago...what told me....I've never forgotten and I never will....." he said taking your hand as he looked into your eyes.
"I...I..I thought you forgotten" you said looking down as he placed a fingertip underneath your chin and repeated what you had said to him that night:
"I'm sure you will be the bestest pilot ever." Making you blush as you repeated the words he had said to you that night so long ago:
"You y/n are going to be incredible". As he pulled you close and kissed you passionately under the midnight stars..

Authors Note
So um I'm like kinda sick rn so if I spelled something wrong or messed up. (Also FenaB11 if you want me to redo this I will) MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!

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