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Days soon bled into weeks at the traditional English boarding school. Karlie, although still having her moments, is okay for the most part. She ended up in detention frequently, but only for not bothering with homework. That's what her and Taylor are working on currently.

"Hey Karlie." Kendall greets the brunette lightly as she slides into the seat next to her. A water bottle in hand, it's obvious Kendall has spent the morning at the gym. "Have you done that homework?"

With a small scoff, Karlie replies- "Me? I can't remember the last time I did homework Ken. Ask Martha." She brings her coffee to her lips with eyebrows raised at Kendall, realising she really should be a bit more healthy. Karlie knows she wouldn't last a minute in morning class without coffee.

"You really don't give a shit, do you?"

Karlie is about to reply when the door flies open and a frazzled Miss Hall scampers in, late as always. The brunette knows she's probably been aimlessly flirting with Taylor and rolls her eyes. The friction between the English Teacher and Karlie has become renowned across the school so there's several snickers as her classmates observe the rolling eyes. "Settle down, settle down," the woman instructs- "books at page 137, homework on the corner of your desks."

The brunette makes several charming comments under her breath, which cause a ripple of snickers from the normally studious pupils around her. Miss Hall, trying to remain in control, watches Karlie with narrowed eyes. "So the homework was on... It was on-" the teacher tries to start her lesson.

"It's a bit rich that you'll be giving out detentions for those that haven't done the homework when you can't even tell us what it was on," Karlie, bored of the same act of every lesson, says pointedly towards her teacher. Immediately, there's a silence as everyone turns to watch the altercation.

Still trying her best to not become angered by the vocal teen, Miss Hall retorts- "So this means you haven't done your homework then Miss Kloss?"

Karlie is a professional when it comes to proving a point. "Why would I do a homework that is clearly incredibly unimportant because you can't even tell us what it's about."

"Homework is to help you, Miss Kloss- I already have my A Level." It's a comment that teachers shouldn't pass to the over-privileged kids sat in their classes. The rich will always win.

Sighing and taking a deep breath to show her contempt, Karlie snaps back- "And my family already owns a multi-national corporation to which I'm heiress so I don't really need an A Level." There are several claps and the rich students laugh mockingly at the teacher, who is stood like a captured imposter at the front of the classroom. The brunette isn't stopping though. "And it's not like I'm going to get one either with a teacher as shocking as you!"

"I put a lot of effort into my classes," is all Miss Hall can say to defend herself.

"Well maybe if you put as much effort into your classes as you do to sucking Miss Swift's ass then they'd be a lot better." A boy hollers loudly at this as murmurs sweep across the room like a wildfire. Kendall laughs hesitantly but knows her friend has taken it a bit too far.

Miss Hall has crimson cheeks as she is laughed at shamelessly by her entire class. If smoke could come out of her ears, it probably would be. "Get out Kloss!" It takes every inch of Jess' self control to not physically attack the American who smirks at her as she departs, designer bag in tow.

Karlie laughs under her breath as she wanders aimlessly down the panelled corridors of the old part of her school. She has no general direction but finds herself incredibly close to her guidance counsellors room: it's too close for Karlie's liking as she knows that Taylor won't be happy. Therefore, the brunette tries to sneak past the window of the room she spends too much time in without being noticed.

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